Page 30 of Nigel
“I am sorry-“Hebroke off as she started to laugh. Her dimples peeked through and hewas instantly dazzled by the whiteness of her teeth against her veryalluring lips.
“Don’tapologize.” Her hands cupped his face. “I want this, nota relationship, because well, that will never work, but –“Sheattacked the buttons on his shirt, popping some of them. “I amruining it.”
“It does notmatter. We should- I have a bed somewhere- “
“Of course youdo.” She had his shirt off and was struck again by thesprinkling of hairs and the play of muscles. She felt the salivapooling inside her mouth as she stared at him. “Damn.”
“Let me getthis off. “ He pulled the sweater over her head and was almoststruck dumb and blind by the display of flesh. Her breasts seemed tobe spilling from the lacy white cups of her bra. Her nipples werelarge, he could clearly see them through the thin lace.
“Christ,”he whispered reverently.
“Is that good?”
“Oh absolutely.May I?” He started to touch the clasp.
“You don’thave to ask.”
“Good. Great.”He eased it open and took it off. “Good Christ!” Hecupped them and stared at the flesh overflowing his palms.
“You are goodfor my ego. Are you just going to stare?”
“No. No.”He shook his head, sliding his thumbs over the rigid buds, watchingthem harden even more. “I want to suckle and I am not certain Iwill be able to stop,” he told her dazedly.
“Nigel-“Shemoved restlessly.
“I know, I justhave to take it in.” He bent his head and touched his tongue tothe nipple.
“So sweet,”he murmured before pulling it into his mouth.
“Oh!” Herbody arched, hands sliding into his thick dark brown hair. “Don’tstop, oh that feels so good. Don’t stop Nigel.”
Her words were likepouring fuel onto the flame. It energized him, spiked his desire,caused him to increase the pressure. Pulling the nipple into hismouth, he suckled hungrily, his mouth ravenous. He wanted to devourher, was going to – He had wanted to do this properly, seduceher into agreeing with him.
But hell- the needinside him was churning hotly, making him sweat, pumping his heartinto chest and heating his skin. Letting go of the nipple, hestumbled to his feet and took off the rest of his clothes beforedropping back to tug off her black dress pants.
“I shouldexercise some restraint- Something- “He palmed her sex throughthe see-through lace, eyes blazing as he watched her react to histouch. Her eyes went wide and her parted lips started to tremble.
Sliding the materialto the side, he concentrated on her face as he stroked the swollenflesh. A cry escaped her as her body jerked.
“I want you tocome over my fingers.” He inserted first one and then another,his body jerking as she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. “Comefor me.” Moving slightly, he bent his head to capture hernipple. Her moans spun him around, his fingers going deeper insideher.
Ava could not believethe sensations shimmering through her body. She felt transformed asif her body was going through an alternate universe. Nothing had everfelt so wonderful.
She screamed, herhips lurching upwards as the climax slammed through her with aviolence that left her breathless.
Lifting his head, hestared at the tangled hair that had escaped the neat chignon and herparted lips, his own body riddled with so much passion that he couldbarely stand it.
Sliding his fingersout of her slowly, he went on his knees to get rid of his underwearbefore climbing on top of her. It never occurred to him to useprotection and even if it had, he was too far gone for that tohappen. A groan escaped him as she clamped around him like a vice,her moisture driving him to distraction.
“Ava,” hebreathed her name reverently, going still for a few seconds. “Ava,”he whispered it against her mouth. “Sweet Christ. Tell me youfeel it too.” His hands framed her face, eyes blazing. “Ineed this. I need you. Don’t deny me.”
His lips found hersand ravaged, as he drove into her, long easy strokes that soon tookon a life of their own.
Her fingers dug intohis neck and then his shoulders, going down his back where themuscles bunched and quivered. He swallowed her moans, hands wanderingrestlessly down her back and her hips.
She came again andtearing her lips from his, buried her face into his neck. He feltwhen she sank her teeth into the skin hard. But he did not feel thepain, the bite only drove him even more.