Page 31 of Nigel
His fingers bit intoher skin as he tried valiantly to stop the flood of his own climax.Too soon, he thought hazily, but he could not stop it, could notcontrol the violent orgasm pouring out and into her!
Chapter 7
I am crushing you."He found the strength to shift off her slightly, but not all the way.He did not want her to suddenly decide that she should leave.
"A little bit,"She felt shy, at her wits’ end and speechless. Those werethings she had never experienced before. He was still buried deepinside her and she could not find the words to explain what had justhappened.
She had bit him, sankher teeth into his flesh because she was overcome by emotions. Thatwas another first for her. An evening of firsts. Not to mention theclimaxes she had completely lost count of.
"I should go."
"Not yet."He shifted back so that he could look at her and felt a jolt at thelook of her. Her hair was loose and tangled, her lips swollen anddark brown eyes were slumberous. "Unless the carpet isuncomfortable."
"It feels like apillow," she admitted.
"There is abed-"
"I really shouldgo."
"We could goback to my place."
"I have worktomorrow."
"So do I."
"It would meanrushing from your place to mine to get changed."
"We could stopby yours for you to collect something for you to wear. I would likeyou to spend the night with me. I want to get to know you better."
"You just wantto have more sex."
"That too."He brushed back tendrils of her hair.
"You don'treally believe that this is going anywhere, do you?"
"I do. If youwould just give me a chance-"
"I cannot."
"Just likethat?"
"Yes. It wouldnever work."
"And you do notknow that." He trailed a finger over her bruised and tender lipsand felt her shivers. "There is something here that you cannotdeny."
"It's heat."
"And that issomething."
"It will pass."
"We will see.Let me take you home and love you properly. I want to explore everyinch of your body. I am hungry for you."
His words were havingan incredible effect on her. "Damn," she whispered.
"Is that a yes?"