Page 71 of Nigel
“Fiancée?”For the first time, the woman looked at Ava. “You are gettingmarried?”
“That’swhat a fiancée means.” Pasting a charming smile on herlips, Ava extended her left hand so that the woman could not help butnotice the stunning diamond.
Marla took her hand,blatantly studying the ring before letting go and turning anaccusatory gaze on Nigel. “It did not take you long to moveon.”
“We were notexclusive,” Nigel pointed out.
“I thought wewere.” Her green gaze raked over Ava’s full figurecontemptuously. “I hope you do not expect me to wish you allthe best.”
“We do not givea damn,” Ava told her before Nigel could respond.
With a sniff, shewhirled away towards her reserved table.
“I am sorry.”Nigel gazed at her anxiously as she took her seat.
“For this –“He shook his head as the maître d’ came hurrying over.“For ruining our night.”
“You had apast.”
“Yes.”Taking her hands, he met her gaze. “I was seeing her severalweeks before I met you.” His fingers tightened on hers. “Itwas not going anywhere and I decided to end it.”
“I am guessingshe did not take it well.”
“She was upset,but she did not make a scene.” He turned her hands over andstared hard at the patterns in her palms. “I never felt theurge to be with anyone else the way I want to be with you and I wouldlike you to believe that.”
“Look at me,”she said softly.
His head lifted andhis eyes met hers.
“I am confidentin the fact that you love me. You have shown me in more ways than oneand nothing can make me doubt what you feel for me.” Herfingers gripped his. “I feel sorry for her, I really do. I amnot upset about your past, because that is what it is – thepast. You are mine, completely mine.”
Lifting one of herhands, he placed it on his jaw and closed his eyes. “Thanks,”he whispered hoarsely. “And yes, I am completely yours.”
“Good. Now askthe guy to package our meal and let’s go to your place. I havea suitcase in my trunk.”
“With a fewthings?” he asked huskily.
“It’s abig suitcase.”
“I was thinkingyou did not have to take anything with you.”
Her eyebrows lifted.“I know how you love to see me without clothes, but I have togo to work.”
“I have anaccount at Romano’s.” He signaled the maître d,over.
“You are notbuying me horrendously expensive clothes.”
“I cannot helpmyself.” Leaning forward, he ignored the man who had comehurrying over and kissed her full on the lips. “I want toshower you with everything.”
“I just needyou.”
“You have me,all of me. Let’s get out of here.”
“I think webroke the bed.” She was fighting hard to slow her breathingdown.