Page 72 of Nigel
His deep chuckle made her smile. “It’s solidoak.”
“We brokesomething,” she insisted, her fingers splayed over his moistchest.
“Perhaps it’sa rib. You did ride me pretty hard the first time.” He gentlybrushed back the hairs from her damp forehead. “I need to getmyself checked out.”
“Right.”She kissed his chest, loving the feel of the hairs tickling her skin.“Was there-“ She shook her head. “It does notmatter.”
“Tell me.”
“Consideringthat you are a smart woman, I doubt that very much.” Tuckinghis fingers under her chin, he tilted her head up. “Tell me.”He repeated.
“There musthave been tons of women.”
His hazel eyesexamined her face. “Yes. I have every intention of being honestwith you.”
Bending his head, hekissed her lightly. “After Sara, I went into freeze mode. Iburied myself in my courses and tried to block everything out. Thenwhen I finished college and started at the company, I tried toforget.” His fingers rubbed her back absently.
“They offeredand I did not say no.” He stared at her. “I told you thatI never dreamed there would be anything like this for me. I hadresigned myself to being alone. Until you.” His hands framedher face. “I love you completely. The others-“ Heshrugged.
“They were justthe path to you. I knew it when I first laid eyes on you. I knew itwas not just lust, but something deeper. I have been waiting for youmy entire life. Everything was leading up to you. Do you understand?”
“Yes.”Her throat felt tight, her body shivery. “Yes. Thank God.”
“My sentimentsexactly. Anything else?”
“No. No.”She touched his face tenderly. “That’s enough. I justwant to be here with you, in this bed, feeling you next to me andknowing that you love me.”
“I do, so damnmuch.”
"You are makingyourself crazy." Dahlia told her mildly. "The food looksterrific and girl, you had me and Maria as well as Kyle working ourtails off to prepare for the coming of royalty." She grinned atthe harried look her sister-in-law threw her.
"The place isspotless. And you need to go and get yourself prettied up; he isgoing to be here in the next half hour."
Ava glanced at herwatch in horror. "You are right. Oh God! Why didn't you tellme?"
"We did, half anhour ago." Maria reminded her. "Go. We got this."
"Thanks. I oweyou guys."
"You don't oweus anything. We will take the fruit platter out by the pool where therest of the horde are. Go." Dahlia ushered her out.
Taking off the apron,she raced out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She had spent thenight at Nigel's place because he had absolutely refused to let herdo otherwise. And had left this morning to come and meet the othersto start setting up for the dinner.
He had gone to theclub where he was meeting with some friends of his and would betaking a shower there and heading straight to the house.
"Is thereanything to worry about?"
"They will loveyou."
"As long as youlove me, I don't much care about anyone else doing so. But I wanttheir blessing."
"You have mine."
"Great. That'sall I need."