Page 23 of Devil's Craving
Croy had been talking quietly to Nevada, but he finally turned his attention back in our direction. I glanced over my shoulder with a frown.
“He was outside a second ago.”
Normally, I’d probably stay out of it. Clink and I were barely acquaintances and Croy seemed pissed that he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. I wouldn’t want to put myself on Croy’s radar for someone I barely knew. But given where I met Clink this morning, I was more than a little suspicious about leaving him alone. I scanned the room, but he was nowhere to be found and that made alarm bells go off in my head.
“I’ll, uh, go look for him. I need to get started on my assessment.” I took a few steps back, waving at the group of women before going in search of Clink. He was right where I left him, leaning against my truck casually as he talked to Reaper and a few other bikers. I jogged down the steps and scowled at him.
“My truck is not a leaning post. Aren’t you supposed to be my shadow or something?”
He flashed me a grin, giving me his full attention. “Sorry, sweetheart. We’re just talking a little club business. I’ll be there in a minute.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’ve got a name, Clink. And it’s your funeral. Croy’s the one who was asking where you were. I’m not waiting around for you to start my work.”
Spinning on my heel, I walked away from him. He could face Croy’s wrath on his own.
When I came back inside alone, I saw Croy’s eyes narrow on me. I shrugged, turning my attention to the tv set up they had. Riley mentioned some outlets didn’t work at all in her room. I’d need to check all of them to be certain. I decided to start with the main floor, since there were plenty of people down here. If Croy was going to get pissed, at least it wouldn’t be because I was doing anything suspicious, like wandering around on my own.
He didn’t say anything to me about it. He did scowl though and after a quick but insanely passionate kiss for Riley, he stormed out of the MC. Clink was probably going to have a few new bruises. This place was seriously violent, and I almost felt bad for not waiting for him. Almost. Maybe I would’ve if he wouldn’t have been so condescending when I went looking for him.
“You’re sure?”
The prospect nodded. “I recognized him from the photo of the past crew inside. I dusted that wall sixteen times over. I’ve gotten familiar with the faces. He was in the city at the club.”
Motherfucker. We’d been dealing with Hammer and his bullshit for years. After we destroyed his crew, we figured he’d finally back the fuck off. But apparently not only was he gathering forces in the background for the past year, stealing from us, and infiltrating our own guys, he now was moving back to town.
“This asshole doesn’t know when to quit,” Reaper snarled. He had a grudge almost as big as Croy since Hammer just recently tried to kidnap Allie. It was also our crew member who had been working for Hammer that tried to take Quinn, too. The asshole was fucking stupid, always going for the women instead of coming at us like a man.
“So what’s the plan, then? We can’t just sit around waiting for him to come to us again,” I demanded. Last time we played the waiting game and Hammer fucked with us for weeks. We lost a good man playing those games with him. I wanted to hunt him down and end this once and for all.
“We aren’t doing shit until we talk to Croy,” Knox snapped.
“Talk to Croy about what?”
Speak of the devil. I glanced over my shoulder to find Croy and Nevada standing by the door. I jerked my chin in greeting before looking back at the prospect.
“Gabe says he saw Hammer at a club in the city.”
Croy always looked pissed off, but that news made him look murderous. His lip curled up in a snarl, and he growled.
“Church. Now.”
We all trooped inside and I looked around for Sam on instinct. She was already working, doing some fancy shit with a sensor near the TV. No one seemed to pay her any mind, which was a relief. I was the one who was supposed to be looking out for her. Not that I didn’t trust my brothers, for the most part I did. There were just a few who were more annoying than the rest. I was glad that Wrecker wasn’t alive to cause Sam any issues. That asshole liked to say he was a ladies’ man, but he didn’t know when to fucking quit.
It wasn’t a full church meeting. We weren’t calling in the rest of the crew. It was the officers and the prospect that gathered in what we called church, a meeting room that was soundproof where we met to discuss business. Church and Croy’s office were the most secure rooms in the entire building. While it may look like a bunch of guys were just lazing about, there were always a few stationed downstairs to watch over the rooms.
Sitting at the round table in the middle of the room, I tried to relax, but the fact that Hammer was closing in made me antsy. My mind kept drifting back to the last time he attacked here. Watching Mass die in Croy’s arms would never leave me. Not unless I had another hit. If I wanted to get through the hunt, I’d need it. I couldn’t afford to be emotional and shit about this.
“Prospect. Start from the beginning.”
My knee bounced restlessly as Gabe recounted the story. He’d already told us outside, so it was just a rehash for Croy and Nevada’s benefit. My gaze drifted to the door, wondering if I could figure out a way to ditch Reaper long enough to find my shit. I watched him search the room. I knew of a few places he didn’t look.
Croy scowled. “If he’s this close to town, he’ll be coming back eventually. We need more information. Reaper?”
“I’ll handle it. Prospect, I want the address, the time, everything on the last place you saw Hammer.” He stood and hesitated, his brow furrowing. “What about the girls?”