Page 24 of Devil's Craving
Croy shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll put Chase on ‘em. They seem to behave better around him.”
It was Chase who got the girls out before Hammer’s last attack. We knew we could trust him around them, he’s proven it time and time again. Still…
“I thought they were on lockdown?”
Croy looked irritated. “It’s harder than it looks to keep them from going to work. If it was anyone else, I’d send them with security, but it's Hammer and they’re all targets right now.”
They tossed out ideas on how to keep the girls from causing trouble, but there wasn’t a lot that would make a difference. The only person who knew about this life beforehand was Allie and she was the most likely to fight if Croy said they couldn’t leave to work.
“Why don’t we tell them the truth?”
All eyes swung my way. Reaper scowled. “Because it’s fucking club business.”
I rolled my eyes. “I know that. But it’s Hammer. The girls know how dangerous he is and what his goal is. They might be more likely to listen if they knew why.” I didn’t have an old lady to deal with, but I knew the girls pretty well. They did better when they had the full picture. It wasn’t like we were telling them about the product or anything. This had to do with their safety. It was more than just club business.
“I agree with Clink,” Knox replied. “Allie will behave more if she knows it's him. She’s already had a run in with him once. She knows what would happen if she got caught.”
Brewer agreed, as did Nevada. Croy and Reaper were less amenable, but eventually they agreed to let the girls in the loop just enough to make them stay put. I let out a relieved breath. The old ladies were a newer addition to the crew and I like having them around. They brought in a different kind of fun to the club and I would carve out Hammer’s insides if he so much as looked in their direction. They were under our protection, old ladies or not.
By the time we finished up our meeting, I was jonesing for a fix. I’d start the getting clean shit once Hammer was handled and out of our hair. I couldn’t focus when I was like this. It shouldn’t take that long, not with Reaper on the hunt. I only needed a little to get by. I didn’t need to go nuts about it.
Feeling pretty confident about my decision, I headed straight upstairs. My room was down the hall towards the back, two windows looking over the backyard and the parking lot. I got the best room, in my opinion. It was also pretty out of the way, nowhere near the stairs, so most people wouldn’t come over here unless they needed something from me. I unlocked the door, reminding myself to lock the doorway behind me, but I never got the fucking chance.
“It’s a little early for bed, isn’t it?”
Fuck. I’d honestly forgotten about Sam. I should’ve checked in with her before I headed up here. Spinning around, I shot her a grin.
“Just grabbing something real quick. How’s the assessment coming?”
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously and my hackles went up. Out of anyone, Sam might be able to pick up on the innocent act. I seriously doubted that was her first meeting, and while she didn’t use drugs herself, she probably heard plenty of stories. I didn’t want her calling attention to that shit.
“Did you need something?”
Her brows furrowed, and her gaze shifted to my room. She pursed her lips before nodding her head. “Yeah. I need to go on the roof because some of the stuff I need is up there, but I don’t know where the access is.”
I relaxed a little. “Uh… I’m not sure. Pretty sure Nevada would know. He’s downstairs. I’ll meet you down there in a minute, ‘kay?”
Nodding slowly, she turned around and headed down the hall again. I waited until she turned the corner before going into my room. I locked the door and felt a smirk cross my face. Not even Sam knew what I was up to. That would make this a lot easier. I turned toward the bed, pulling off the corner of the sheets. There was a small cut in the side that I hid my shit in sometimes. No one was in here doing my laundry but me, so it was an easy place to hide shit and Reaper didn’t know to look there. He looked under the mattress itself, not inside it.
I was just pulling out the drugs when someone pounded on my door.
“Clink, open the fucking door.”
Motherfucker. I shoved the drugs back in the mattress and fixed the sheets before going to answer it. If I ignored him, he’d break my door down and that’d be a pain in the fucking ass to deal with. I opened my door with a scowl, but came up short. Reaper wasn’t alone. Sam stood behind him, her eyes narrowed and suspicious.
Reaper made an irritated noise. “Don’t start. What the fuck were you doing in there?”
I rolled my eyes. “I was about to take a shit. Why? Wanna join?”
His lip twitched like he was holding back his temper. He could try shit if he wanted. I wasn’t on a bad trip anymore. As much as people thought he was the best fighter, I was no fucking slouch. I could take him on if I had to.
When he didn’t move, I let out an exasperated sigh. “Reap, you were the one who searched my room. You’ve been next to me this whole fucking morning. You know there’s nothing in there. Is there seriously no trust between us anymore?”
He wavered, just like I hoped. I felt bad for lying to him, but I said I’d get sober once shit was less insane. I didn’t want him hounding me the entire time. Besides, he needed to focus on himself. He was technically still healing from getting shot. I didn’t want him to be distracted by focusing on me.
Putting my hand on his shoulder, I leveled him with a look. “You’ve got club business to handle. Croy will lose his mind if he finds you standing around here for no good reason. I got this. I’m good.”