Page 37 of Devil's Craving
“God, you’re great. Tell me you’re starting this job soon. If I gotta wait another week to see you, I’m gonna consider stalking as a viable option.”
My face fell, and I looked away automatically. I still hadn’t told him about me not coming back. He must’ve seen it in my face, though, because he called me out a minute later.
“You can’t quit, Sam.”
I grimaced, shaking my head. “You can’t babysit me all the time. I’m sure you’ve got your own work to do. Who’s to say what’ll happen the next time one of your friends finds me wandering around. I’ve gotta work through the whole building. Someone is going to take exception and I’m not looking to get murdered just for doing my job.”
His expression darkened and his voice went rough. “No one's gonna touch you. That’s not how shit works here. The prospect was looking to prove himself and he got his ass handed to him for his efforts. I swear to god, Sammy, you’re safe here.”
I didn’t reply right away. I wanted to believe him, this job meant a lot to me and I didn’t want to give it up, but I was still scared. I hadn’t even been doing anything suspicious. I’d been trying to remember which room was Clink’s and I was just standing there when the prospect walked up to me.
“Let me prove it to you.”
Frowning, I swung my gaze back to him. “How?”
“We have parties most weekends. Come join us and meet the guys. The real ones, not the little shits trying to prove themselves.”
I shook my head quickly. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t party anymore.”
He made a face. “I’m not asking you to drink. You already said you don’t do that. I’m just asking you to come hang out.”
It still sounded like a bad idea. A party at an MC club was like the exact opposite of how I lived my life now. The last party I went to killed my parents. I didn’t want to relive that night.
“I don’t know, Clink…”
“If you’re so stuck in the past that you can’t handle going out every once in a while, are you really living? You can’t keep blaming yourself forever. Your parents would have wanted you to live your life.”
Biting my lip, I thought about it. He had a point, even though it bugged me just how annoying he had to be about it. Tyson said it a lot too, that eventually I was going to have to move past what happened and open up a little, even to something as simple as going out past sundown.
“You promise you won’t push me to drink or anything?”
The annoyingly condescending look disappeared, and his face softened. “I promise. I’ll even keep everyone else off your back. Just come hang out with me. Please? We’ll watch each other’s backs and just have fun.”
Giving in, I nodded. “Okay. I guess I’ll give it a shot. What time?”
This felt like a really bad idea. My anxiety was off the charts. I kept having flashes of the night my parents died. I almost talked myself out of it several times, but Clink’s words kept coming back to me and I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, determined to try something new. Clink wasn’t wrong. If I wasn’t allowed to enjoy myself, I wasn’t really living my life. My parents would’ve been really unhappy if they knew just how often I hid from the world after they were gone. I hadn’t even thought of that before Clink mentioned it. Now that I did, I was determined to do better. But I did make sure to fully charge my phone, and I parked right in front to make sure I had an escape route and the ability to call Tyson if anything went wrong.
I stared anxiously at the front door of the clubhouse until someone knocked on my window, making me jump and squeak. When I glanced over my shoulder, Clink was smirking at me, lifting his eyebrows.
“Gonna come inside?”
Pursing my lips, I unrolled my window a little. “I’m still debating.”
He chuckled. “Take your time. These things can go all night.”
My eyes widened, and I jerked to look at the building and back at him. “I’m not staying all night. A few hours at most.” It was already later than I was comfortable, after dark, and just getting here had been a trial.
He didn’t argue, pulling open my door before I could protest. “Then don’t waste them sitting in your truck. Come on, we’re missing out on all the fun.”
He tugged my hand, barely giving me enough time to unbuckle my seatbelt before he was pulling me out of the truck and towards the clubhouse. I dragged my feet a little, but that didn’t seem to phase him.
Luckily, it wasn’t as wild and crazy as I’d been expecting. When we stepped inside, I looked around, letting out a slow breath. Some guys were playing pool, others were sitting around a poker table, a few more on the sofas. Music was playing loudly throughout the building, the air pulsing with the vibrations. There were a bunch of women I didn’t recognize sitting around with the men. Girlfriends maybe? I saw Allie, Quinn, and Riley by the kitchen, talking amongst themselves, but Clink didn’t pull me in that direction. He led me over to the pool table instead.
“Fellas. You met the electrician yet?”