Page 38 of Devil's Craving
A few guys lifted their chin in greeting. I recognized one from my first day, the one who’d been basically sleeping while I worked on the wiring issue. He was the only one who frowned at me, tipping his head and narrowing his eyes.
“How’s a woman that tiny, strong enough to knock the prospect on his ass?”
My cheeks burned, but he didn’t look angry. A smirk pulled at his lips when the rest of the guys playing all whipped their heads around to him, then back to me.
“Say what now?”
“Wait, that was you?”
“No fucking way.”
They didn’t seem to care much about the fact that I punched one of their guys in the face, but they grilled me about the hit itself. The one who introduced himself as Chase even requested I punch his open hand to prove it wasn’t a one off. I raised an eyebrow at Clink, who just jerked his chin at me, a huge grin on his face. Rolling my eyes, I shifted my stance and drew back my hand, hitting Chase’s palm with enough follow through to make him wince. He shook out his hand and laughed.
“Damn. She hits harder than you do, Clink.”
Clink snorted, raising an eyebrow at him. “Wanna test that theory?”
Chase just grinned at him. They were a lot more relaxed than I thought. After meeting Croy and Reaper, I kind of expected them all to be gruff and terrifying. None of the guys here made me nervous, though. Chase was kind and thoughtful, bringing me a cola when I refused any alcohol. A big guy named Bear brought me a stool to sit down so I could watch them play. Brewer was more stoic and quiet, but he was polite and asked questions about my work, which made me a little less jittery.
Clink was in his element, playing pool and making jokes. He seemed to have unending energy, which made me a little suspicious, but when Brewer caught me staring with narrowed eyes too long, he moved to stand beside me, lowering his voice as he spoke.
“He’s clean. I’ve been watchin’ him. This is just who he is. Fucker doesn’t shut up, even in his sleep.”
It made me feel better that someone was watching over him and I let out a breath, finally tearing my gaze away from Clink to look at Brewer.
“How do you know what he does in his sleep?”
He made a tick sound behind his teeth, shooting me a look. I snickered, sipping my drink to hide it. It was a stupid joke, but he didn’t get mad at it. It was good to know that they weren’t a bunch of homophobes who couldn’t even handle jokes.
“We work together a lot. When we gotta take a cage, the little shit conks out almost instantly.”
I frowned. “Why do you call it a cage?”
“Anything that ain’t a bike feels like a cage to a biker.”
When I made a face, he raised an eyebrow. “Ever been on a bike before?”
I shook my head quickly. “No way. Those things are death traps.”
He snorted, but it was Clink’s gasp that drew my attention. “Sammy, sweetheart, you did not just insult a bike in the middle of a motorcycle club. You’re lookin’ for trouble, you realize that?”
When I looked around, no one seemed particularly put out about my comment, so I rolled my eyes at him. “Shut up.”
Brewer pointed a finger at me, smirking at Clink. “I like her.”
I laughed, but Clink’s eyes narrowed and he rounded the pool table, moving to stand beside me. When I frowned at him, he ignored me and tossed an arm over my shoulder, glaring at Brewer. Brewer looked nonplussed, taking a drink of his bourbon like Clink wasn’t shooting daggers at him.
“What are you doing?”
He opened his mouth to respond, but someone pushed his head and knocked his arm away.
“Stop hanging on the electrician. You’ll scare her away and I need her.”
Riley and the others appeared behind us and she nudged Clink away, moving to take his place. She flashed me a grin, bumping my shoulder with hers.
“I’m glad you came back. I was a little worried the prospect scared you off.”
Biting my lip, I dropped my gaze to my hands. I hadn’t been thinking about that. Clink had a way of making me relax and I’d completely forgotten about earlier. Someone made an irritated noise, and a shadow stopped in front of me, rough hands forcing my chin back up.