Page 85 of Stolen Faith
Rowan applied pressure once more.
“Nonononono!” Barry leaned away, but Rowan leaned with him. “Please, please, please.”
“How do I know I can trust you, Barry?”
“You can, you can!” Barry insisted in a loud whisper. “Please.”
“I can? Are you sure?”
“So if I ask a question, you’ll answer it?”
“I will, I will, I promise.”
“Okay…why did you kidnap us?”
“A gift. You’re a gift.”
For a moment, Devon slipped up, his face morphing into real confusion. Rowan looked over at Izabel, Brennon, and Juliette.
Izabel mouthed, “What the fuck?”
“A gift?” Devon asked. “For…whom?”
“Tiff.” Barry was trembling, his arm almost vibrating in Rowan’s hold. “TiffaniGrace Morgan.”
“Do you normally give TiffaniGrace…people?” Devon asked slowly.
“No, it’s not like that, not like that.”
“Then what is it like?”
“Revenge,” he said. “Revenge against the Trinity Masters.”
This made less sense the more Barry talked.
Juliette walked forward, moving to stand beside Devon. Devon frowned, but he didn’t order her to go back. He couldn’t. He didn’t have that authority.
“What did the Trinity Masters do to her?” Juliette asked.
Barry’s eyes lingered on Juliette. At first, Rowan thought the smarmy fucker was staring at her breasts, but then Rowan saw that there was a dark line crossing the bare skin of her upper chest visible, thanks to the V of the backward hospital gown. In the washed-out yellow light from the hall, it looked purple against her pale skin.
“Rowan,” Devon said angrily, ready to give him the command to break the arm.
“Wait, wait!” Barry’s voice was thin and desperate.
“Then answer,” Devon told him. “Answer the question instead of trying to see the damage you inflicted.”
Rowan leaned in. “If I were you, I wouldn’t even look at her.”
Barry jerked his gaze to Devon.
“Murder,” Barry said at last. “The Trinity Masters murdered her mother!”
Rowan looked from Juliette and Devon—who didn’t react—to Brennon and Izabel.
Izabel had now written, “What the fuck,” on the chalkboard. Brennon underlined it twice as Rowan watched. His lips twitched, and he had to bite down on the amusement as a deep, warm emotion filled him.