Page 86 of Stolen Faith
“Who was her mother?” Juliette asked.
“Sally Ann Morgan.”
“And why does TiffaniGrace think her mother was murdered by the Trinity Masters?”
“She was,” Barry countered with a sneer. “We don’t just think it, we know it.”
“Are you being disrespectful because my wife is the one asking the questions?” Devon asked softly.
“N-no. No man, sorry. That’s not it.”
A guard walked past the windows, and Rowan tensed, ready. Barry didn’t even seem to notice. Fear meant he was probably hyper-focused on Devon and Juliette.
“Does TiffaniGrace think her mother was a member?” Juliette asked.
Barry frowned. “No, her mother was tempted to sin, but she wasn’t a demon sinner—”
“Enough.” Juliette held up her hand. “How did TiffaniGrace find out about the Trinity Masters?”
“Because they murdered her mother,” Barry repeated.
Juliette closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay. How did TiffaniGrace find out the identity of her mother’s murderer? A police report? Did her mother write a letter? What?”
“Oh, the reverend told her.”
Juliette and Devon looked blank, so Rowan said, “Reverend Jonah Morgan is the leader of this church.”
“Ah, and TiffaniGrace is his daughter,” Juliette said.
“And you, Barry, who is TiffaniGrace to you?” Devon asked.
“She’s going to be my wife one day.”
“Going to be?” Juliette raised a brow.
“This gift proves that I will provide for her, and not only protect her from demons of sin but fight for her and—”
Devon stood and shoved the gag back in his mouth. He and Juliette exchanged glances, then went back to the chalkboard, out of Barry’s line of sight, to talk.
Rowan had cut through the yarn, so he unfastened Barry’s belt—the homophobe freaked out when Rowan touched him—and used that to strap his left arm down once more.
“…possible,” Juliette was saying as Rowan walked up. “I love my brother, but he and my father perpetuated a shitty recordkeeping system that had been in place for a hundred years.”
Izabel turned to him, her arm coming around his waist. “We’re trying to figure out if we did kill Sally Ann.”
“Maybe she was a member who left?” Rowan asked.
Juliette shook her head, but said, “Maybe? But we wouldn’t have killed her after she’d had a baby.”
“Maybe she had an affair and had the baby and that’s why she left.”
Devon shook his head. “If she hid it, and hid that was her reason for leaving… I don’t know. It doesn’t sound right. I know the illegitimate children of members have caused issues in the past, but…”
“We need to question TiffaniGrace and Jonah Morgan,” Juliette said.
“Now?” Brennon sagged back against the wall.
“There’s no other time,” Juliette said softly. “I’m sorry, and I wish there was another way.” There was a beat of silence. “I also wish we had a phone.”