Page 136 of Into the Fire
Somehow Alison managed to call up a shocked, what-in-the-world-is-this-about look, but it took every ounce of her acting skill.
Because she knew exactly what this was about—and who was behind it. Only one person could have sent that list.
That’s why her sister had been acting rattled on Saturday. Why she’d left sooner than planned. Why she’d brought up Michelle and Larry. She’d realized their deaths, and Nate’s, weren’t accidental, as the official reports had concluded, and had alerted law enforcement.
Searing hurt scorched Alison’s heart.
How could the sister she’d loved and protected and stood up for all these years sic law enforcement on her, when all the people who died had deserved their fate?
Unless ...
Alison’s brain kicked back in.
Maybe Sophie hadn’t done that.
Bri had mentioned receiving a list and a suggestion the fires could be connected. Nothing more. Given Sophie’s honesty and integrity, not to mention the deep faith she’d developed a few years back, her conscience would have compelled her to take some sort of action if her suspicions were strong.
But no culprit must have been mentioned, or she wouldn’t be sitting here with Bri, drinking a margarita. She’d be in an interview room at headquarters.
The most prudent plan was to buy herself a few minutes and find out everything she could before panicking.
“I’m sorry.” Alison set her glass down and rubbed her temple. “I’m trying to take in what you said, but it’s not computing. Why is Nate’s name on that list?”
“I was hoping you could tell me.” Bri pulled out her phone, scrolled to a photo, and held it out. “Here’s the list of every name I have that’s connected with Les’s case. Since Nate’s name is among them, I thought you might see a connection we’ve missed.”
In other words, despite the tip Sophie had passed on, Bri was no closer to figuring out the link than she had been a week ago.
Excellent news.
Alison leaned forward and pretended to study the list. Slowly shook her head. “The only ones I recognize are Nate’s and Les’s.” She leaned back and feigned a shudder. “Is whoever sent that suggesting those fires weren’t accidents?”
“That’s my assumption.” Bri slipped her phone back intoher purse. “Alison, did Nate have any enemies that you know of?”
“No. Everyone liked him.” She fished out a tissue and dabbed at the corner of her eyes. Sniffed. “This is bizarre.”
“I know, and I’m so sorry to upset you. But with Nate’s name on the list, I had to ask.”
“I understand—and I wish I could have helped.” She swiped at her nose. “What will you do next?”
Bri leaned back as the waiter set her soup and sandwich combo in front of her. “Talk to any relatives of the other victims we can find, ask the same question. If that doesn’t produce anything, we’re back to square one.”
“Any chance of tracing the sender of the note?” Alison surveyed the chicken club sandwich the waiter set in front of her, but her appetite had evaporated.
“Not unless the lab finds fingerprints, which I’m not expecting.”
“Where did it come from?”
So Sophie had driven seventy-five or eighty miles to mail the letter.
“I guess that doesn’t help much.”
“No.” Bri picked up her spoon. “What do you say we switch to more pleasant topics for the rest of the meal?”