Page 137 of Into the Fire
“I’m all for that.” Alison hoisted her glass again and took another sip of her drink.
But alcohol couldn’t dull her nagging worry as she picked at her lunch.
Bri wasn’t much interested in food, either. They both ended up taking a substantial portion of their meals home.
As they parted in the parking lot forty minutes later, Bri gave her a hug. “Take care of yourself.”
“I will.”
“Sorry I cast a damper over our lunch.”
“Hey, you were just doing your job. Let me know if anything comes of the tip.”
“I will.”
With a wave, Bri struck off for her Camry.
Alison continued to her car, slid behind the wheel, and watched her friend back out of her parking spot.
It was possible she was safe. Sophie had done what she had to do to salve her conscience, but she hadn’t provided specifics, and no one related to the people on that list would have a clue what linked all the names. None of the victims had known each other.
No one other than she and Sophie were privy to the connection, and her sister’s suspicions weren’t provable. If there’d been any evidence left at the fires to point a finger toward the culprit, it would have been found.
She should be safe.
Except Bri was tenacious. Would she really let this go now that she was more convinced than ever those deaths were the result of foul play? And what if she figured out the link?
That would be very bad news.
An icy shiver rippled through Alison, and she took a long, slow breath. Faced the truth.
Bri was a threat.
Bri would always be a threat.
Her new friend was as persistent as Les had been.
That was the harsh reality—and it left her only one choice.
Alison twisted the key in the ignition as Bri’s car exited the lot and disappeared from view, the little lunch she’d eaten churning in her stomach.
Eliminating all the others had been easy.
But putting a friend in the crosshairs?
Much, much harder.
Yet Bri had told her to take care of herself, and she’d be foolish to ignore that wise counsel.
Even if that meant she’d also have to take care of Bri.
Once and for all.
MARCSET HIS BRAKEin front of James Wallace’s house and surveyed the few cars parked on the street.
No Toyota.
Bri wasn’t here yet.