Page 10 of Fate of a Faux
“I need to get you to a healer.”
“I don’t want to be healed.” I try to pull myself out of his hands, looking to the wide cuts on my arms, blood still rolling over my skin in warm waves. I raise my eyes to his stubbornly. “I want to die.”
“Yeah, well, you’re not human, remember?” He lifts his shirt over his head, pressing it gently to my cheeks. “It's gonna take more than that. All you’re doing is leaving yourself weak for someone else to finish the job or worse.”
His words hit hard, and I start to cry again, suddenly the weakest version of myself.
“So do it! Send your mother in. I bet she would get off on it, twisted bitch.”
“For fuck’s sake.” He swoops me into his strong arms, cradling me to his chest.
“I'm not going anywhere with you.”
He ignores me, and as he turns, my head rolls to the side.Through murky vision, I take in the blood-stained floor with dark clumps of muddled ash and all the glass shattered over marble. The splatters of blood paint the walls like something out of a horror movie and darkness weighs down on my chest.
“Leave me here, Legend.”
“Shut the fuck up, London,” he snaps, holding me tighter.
“I hate you and your family,” I tell him, but the warmth of his body draws me closer, so I move the shirt hanging over his shoulder, pressing my cheek to his bare skin.
“There you go, baby,” he whispers, his lips running along my blood-caked forehead. “Now, let’s get out of here, hm?”
There are screams and shouts and then ... darkness.
A smile curves my lips because finally.
Finally ... the Grim Reaper has come for me.
I’m ready for him to take me home.
I win.
* * *
I wake with a pounding so heavy; I swear someone is delivering blow after blow as we speak. And they must be wearing brass knuckles because goddamn does that shit hurt. There’s a ringing in my ears and my limbs burn like a flame curling around what’s left of them.
“He’s going to fucking kill you, man,” someone says.
There’s a scoff and then, “Just fucking get on with it. I’ll deal with my brother.” body twitches.
“She’s waking up.”
The fire grows stronger, and I scream, my back bowing. My eyes fly open and I shoot up, but my shoulders are shoved back to the flat surface in the same instance. My head snaps left to find Silver, his eyes white as a ghost, fingers covered in blood. I look down, watching as he presses them against my skin.
I pull at my strength, tearing free for a moment, and then Legend’s face is above me.
“London, if you don’t sit your fuck—”
I headbutt him with a growl. My head explodes with pain as more blood pours down my face, but I smile manically when the pain finally touches the void in my chest. Blood pours from his nose, dripping over my face and my chest and he growls back, slamming me down.
Panic seers through me, and my body begins to shake as if they shot me with a two-prong taser on full fucking force.
Legend’s eyes pop wide.
“You see that?” Silver hisses.