Page 11 of Fate of a Faux
“Are you hurting her?!” he shouts.
“Well … yeah, man. Hurts before it heals.”
Silver is healing me.
“No.” I yank my arm, but the second it moves, it’s as if flames lick their way across my flesh, and a scream bubbles up inside of me again. Something is shoved into my mouth, so I bite down as hard as I can, my tongue instantly hit with rosemary and gasoline. It’s a toxic concoction that makes my tastebuds dance. My eyes open.
It's Legend.
A smirk pulls at his lips, but the creases at the edge of his eyes give away his concern. Concern for me. “Bite it off if you need to, anything to shut you up.”
I sink my teeth farther into the flesh of his fist and he growls, a groan mixed into it.
If I were thinking right at the moment, I would roll my eyes, but I can’t see past the pain...and he kind of likes it.
“Almost done,” Silver whispers.
Forcing myself to look, I watch as he spins his fingers and wrists this way then the next, twisting and turning, fingers playing as if pressing the keys of a piano. Slowly, the deep gashes he reopened begin to close until all that’s left are the smears of the mess I made. His eyes pop up to meet mine a moment, and then a piercing shriek fights its way up my throat as he breaks every bone in my hands at once, resetting them in the next.
The pain is gone as soon as the last pieces of me reconnect and my muscles slump with fatigue.
Slowly, Legend takes his fist from my mouth and brings it to his, his tongue flicking across his flesh until the blood is gone. He pins me with a scowl. “I should spank your fucking ass.”
“Fuck you, and I didn’t ask to be healed.” I tear my hands from Silver’s when he reaches out, likely to inspect his work.
“Knight would murder me if I let you die.” Silver glares.
“Scared little bitch—”
“Don’t start problems with me, babe. You’re going to need me one day and—”
“You’re fucking delusional.” I close my eyes.
“Your body needs to recharge.”
“Recharge,” I mock. “I’m not a fucking battery.”
Someone’s phone rings, and then Legend says, “Fuck, we gotta go. Now.”
“I’ll stay with her a little longer and then take her back.” Silver offers as he reaches toward my chin, sighing when I jerk away. “She shouldn’t enter a portal yet.”
“She’s not going back.” Legend swoops forward, lifting me in his arms once more.
“Legend, you can’t—”
“Yes, I can,” he cuts Silver off, gripping me tighter.
A moment later, I’m blinded by the opal colors, my eyes clamping closed, face turning into his chest.
A wave of nausea falls over me, my body swirling as if stepping off a shitty ride at the old county fair.
“Are you fucking insane?!” Silver hisses.
“Yes. I am.”
“She can’t be here, Legend!”