Page 14 of Arbor
Removing the helmet and setting it on the seat, she looked around. “Wow.”
Arbor got off the bike and took her hand. “It’s a work in progress, but it will be nice before long. Several of my brothers work in construction.”
Megan shook her head. “It’s more than I expected. What’s with the motels?”
As he walked her toward the front doors of the main building, he explained, “This building is our clubhouse. There are fourteen cabins in the back and the two motels. Basically, it’s so every member has a place to stay at the compound.”
She nodded as she thought about what she’d heard about parties at biker clubhouses. She imagined they were a bit rowdy and had more alcohol than a liquor store.
He pulled open one of the front doors to the two-story building he had called their clubhouse and let her enter before him. When she stepped inside, she was in a lobby area. Across from the front doors were two doors that were labeled as bathrooms. There was also a swinging door to the left and a wide, open doorway to the right.
He slipped an arm around her shoulders and led her through the archway and into what looked like a typical bar. There was wood paneling on the walls and wooden tables and chairs scattered about. On the far wall was a dark wooden bar with a wall of liquor bottles behind it. To her immediate left was a staircase that was open to the room.
“This is where we hang out most of the time.” Arbor turned and pointed at the stairs. “Upstairs is for members only, so don’t head up there.”
“Is that where you plot all your shenanigans, or do you just sit around and burp and fart?”
Arbor snorted a laugh. “It’s where we have church, which is what we call our meetings. And what we plan up there is club business, which is something I can’t tell you about. No matter how bad I’ll want to, it’s information only for the members. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Yes. There’s a big ol’no girls allowedsign, essentially.”
He grinned. “Essentially. It actually says,No tits, only dicks, but close enough.”
Megan looked down at her DDs and then back at him. “Then I’m out.”
“Sorry Kitten.” He stepped in close and took her lips in a hot kiss, sending sparks of pleasure down her spine.
His hands had just gripped her ass and was pulling her against him when they heard the clearing of several throats. Arbor broke the kiss to growl, “Fuck off.”
Megan heard a few male chuckles and one very deep, gravelly male voice ask, “You want to reword that.”
Arbor cursed under his breath, kissed her lips one more time, and released her. “Sorry, Whiskey,” he grumbled.
“Who is this?”
Megan glanced over at where the voice and chuckles had come from. Congregating at the bottom half of the stairs was a group of four men. The one at the bottom of the stairs had brown hair, short on the sides and a bit longer on top. His eyes were the color of whiskey, so she had an inkling he was the one Arbor had been talking to. His muscled arms were crossed over his chest. The scowl on his face made her take a step back.
“This is Megan Tanner.” Arbor took her hand and walked them over to the group. “Kitten, this is Whiskey, our president. Behind him are Storm, Renegade, and Rebar. They are the vice president, secretary, and sergeant at arms for the club.”
As he said their names, each gave a nod or lifted a hand to her in greeting. She felt her skin heat with the force of the rugged male beauty in front of her. She began to wonder what the local water supply was spiked with to produce that level of male perfection.
This time it was Arbor who cleared his throat. The sound snapped her out of her appreciation of the sight. When she looked over at him, she saw the corners of his lips twitching.Phew!He wasn’t upset that she ogled his friends.
He held up a napkin between them. “For the drool.”
“Smartass,” she replied and gave his arm a shove.
That was when the male chuckles began again.
“Meet you upstairs,” Whiskey commented through his humor.
Hearing their heavy footfalls on the stairs, Megan playfully glared at Arbor. “You could have warned a girl that this place was full of male bodybuilder models.”
Arbor chuckled. “Sorry.” He kissed her lips. “We shouldn’t be long. Make yourself at home.”
She gave a nod, then watched him climb the stairs before she headed behind the bar to find something non-alcoholic to drink.