Page 15 of Arbor
Atthetopofthe stairs, Arbor turned and headed down to the middle of the hallway. He pulled open the door to the room they used for church and stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind him.
Except for a few metal shelving units at the other end of the room, there was nothing in there but a large rectangular table with chairs around it and several chairs lining the walls.
At the head of the table at the opposite end of the room, Whiskey was sitting in his seat and eyeing him with curiosity in his brown eyes.
Rebar, Storm, and Renegade, and the rest of his brothers were in their seats at the table, along with a few of the Howlers from the original chapter. The Howlers MC of Michigan was now the Lower Michigan Chapter, since they had patched over the UpRiders and made them the Howlers MC of Upper Michigan. It was a long drawn-out story of new blood taking a perfectly good club and turning them bad from ambition.
With the patch over, the Howlers original chapter decided to make sure the Upper Peninsula Chapter was set up properly and were well aware of what would and wouldn’t be tolerated. Arbor and all of his club brothers were aware of the threat that was their presence, but he didn’t know of one of his brothers that wasn’t grateful for their help.
At the table with his brothers was Skull, Keys, and Score. The others were most likely working on one of the cabins out back.
As Arbor took his seat, he cleared his throat and tried to pretend that the several men in the room with him weren’t staring at him with humor on their faces.
Skull took a deep breath in through his nose and scoffed. “You smell like pussy.”
“Well… he is a… lion,” Rebar commented, leaning back in his chair and grinning.
“I smell likemy mate,” Arbor corrected and shot both of them the bird.
“Oh, fuck,” Keys muttered and sighed.
“Oh, fuck what?” Whiskey’s eyes shot to the tech genius at the other end of the table.
It wasn’t Keys who answered, though. It was Score. “We better get that security system prepared and make sure you have a well-stocked armory, then.”
“What? Why? I mean… Yes, we need to do that, but what does that have to do with Arbor’s mate?” Renegade was looking at the members of the mother chapter like they’d cracked.
Skull chuckled. “We’ve had several members of our club find their mates. Each and every one of them has shown up with destruction or devastation on their tail, whether it be from them or from us. Either way, there was always a battle and usually bloodshed. You better prepare. That’s all I’m saying.” His gaze swung to Arbor. “So, crazy ex? Stalker boss? Archrival? Drug smuggling ring? What’s her poison?”
Arbor would have liked to wave it off as if it wasn’t true, but the fact of the matter was Kitten was running from something. He just didn’t know how bad it was yet.
“Not entirely sure,” he replied. “I know she’s been treated poorly by her ex, and she’s on the run from something, but… she hasn’t filled me in yet.”
Skull nodded as if he totally understood, which only made Arbor wonder if his claim that Howlers’ mates came with mayhem was correct.
“You claiming her at the table?” Whiskey’s question was more of a demand.
“Damn straight,” Arbor answered anyway.
“Then her problem is our problem, so find out the details.”
Storm leaned forward a bit. “Don’t we have to vote?”
Whiskey rolled his eyes. “Anyone got a problem with Arbor claiming the mate that is rightfully his? And if you do, just know I think you’re a piece of shit and just jealous.”
“Fuck no,” Beast replied, which started the chain reaction of congratulations from his brothers.
“Feels just like home,” Score commented.
Withashotoftequila in one hand and a cut lime slice in the other, she watched the smorgasbord of eye candy walk down the stairs. As the line of men continued to descend, she licked the salt from the back of the hand holding the lime. She quickly took the shot and sucked on the lime slice, well aware that all of their eyes were on her.
Arbor crossed the room and came around behind the bar to where she was standing. “It’s ten in the morning, Kitten.”