Page 48 of A Shade of Evil
“But I don’t want to be another Simone and pass your ideas off as my own.” I say with desperation, and she shakes her head.
“This is an emergency, honey. We’ll figure it out when we have something to offer. You may come up with something overnight. Who knows?”
“Okay. Wish me luck then.”
As I make the journey to Miss. Solomon’s office, I knew I shouldneverhave left Rafferty’s apartment andnevergone to Gyration and then I wouldneverhave met Shade Vieri. My life was so uneventful until he walked into it and murdered a man in front of me. Now I’m caught up in the craziest time of my life and it’s all because of him.
Fucking mafia. Who do they think they are?
Kyle stares at me in disbelief.
“That’s your plan. Are you serious?”
I shrug, feeling very good about it as it happens.
“It will work. I don’t see what the problem is.”
“Your guest might.” Kyle says with a slight shake of his head, and I grin.
“She’ll love it. It will be fine.”
I settle back in my chair after a very stressful day with my accountant. I’m not sure why we still use that guy, but he’s an old friend of my grandfather who trusts him with our business and has done for several years. He thinks I’m reckless, out of control and nowhere near as astute as my brother, or even my grandfather. It pisses me off and now I’m in need of something to relieve my stress.
I glance at my Rolex and smile inside. Six twenty-five. Any minute now.
My phone lights up with a text from reception and I say with smug satisfaction. “It appears my next appointment is here.”
Kyle sighs and stands and as he heads to the door, I say quickly, “Is Heather on standby?”
“Of course.” He shakes his head and I nod with satisfaction.
“This is going to be a pleasure.”
“For you maybe.” He laughs softly. “You’re fucking evil, Shade.”
I shrug. “Tell me something I don’t already know.”
* * *
We head downstairsand I wish we had been there to see the look on her face when she was shown into my club. Angelz is emblazoned in gold on the neon sign that hangs above the door and as we head inside, I sigh inside when I note it’s almost empty. There are a few guys enjoying a dance and some watching the pole dancer on the stage. However, there is one sight that gets my attention more than any other when I see Allegra sitting on a bar stool, straight backed and clutching a folder to her chest. She is staring around her in disbelief, and I love how her skirt has risen a little, revealing a long and shapely leg.
She is sipping a glass of something and as we approach, she faces me with an enigmatic expression and yet from the spark in her eye, she is reacting just as I thought she would.
“Shade.” She nods as I approach, and I grin lazily, looking her up and down with a smirk on my face.
“It’s good to see you, Miss. Powell. I decided our meeting should be conducted here because how can you promote a business if you know nothing about it?”
“That’s a fair point, sir.”
Why does my cock twitch at that? In fact, my cock is always twitching when she’s around, which can only mean one thing. It isn’t bored with her yet.
I jerk my thumb toward my usual booth. “Follow me. We have much to discuss.”
She slides off the bar stool and reaches for her drink and I say, “Leave it. There will be a fresh one waiting.”