Page 49 of A Shade of Evil
Ignoring me, she grabs the glass and drains it with a defiant smirk on her face, and right at this moment, I fucking love this woman. It’s almost as if we’re two souls reunited. She appears to be the female version of me because I recognize my own defiance in her. It’s just what I would have done, so I chuckle softly and head toward my booth, leaving Kyle to make sure she joins me.
We slide into our seats, and I insist she sit beside me and as I said, there is already a bucket of champagne waiting, along with a bottle of bourbon and three glasses.
Kyle sits opposite and her eyes widen as three of my men close in a circle around us.
“What’s this?” She says, glancing around her nervously and I shrug. “We need our privacy. We are doing business, Allegra, and I require no interruptions.”
“Of course.”
She spreads the contents of the folder on the table and says with a deep breath, “These are the preliminary outlines. We have devised a blueprint to follow and just need to agree on a theme. A unique selling point that will guarantee the customers to flood through the doors. I was thinking along the lines of The Greatest Showman, the movie.”
Her eyes light up as she speaks with animation. “We will dress the girls as circus performers and they can entertain the crowds with snakes, perhaps. Exotic dancing, possibly a magician, you know, more than just a sleazy sex show, something of a performance.”
I daren’t look at Kyle because what the fuck? She is deluded and so I lean back, bored already, and decide to play with my new toy instead.
“Think again princess, that idea is shit.”
Her furious glance in my direction makes me laugh inside and I nod to Kyle, who whispers to one of the men guarding us.
“Shit!” She glares at me as if I’ve personally insulted her child’s artworks on the first day of school and, to be honest, this idea feels like that.
I lean in and lower my voice. “Forget the campaign. We need to move onto our other business.”
Immediately she tenses and leaning forward, whispers, “Is that why you’ve increased security? Have you heard something?”
“No.” I shrug. “I’m talking about your debt to me. You owe me six days and six nights because our trip was cut short. So, for the duration of the campaign you will work for me in the day, taking care of that part of the deal, but your nights are mine. However, we have a problem.”
“What problem?”
I lower my voice. “Somebody knows about the money. Your blackmailer is still out there, despite the unfortunate demise of River. To flush them out, we need to place you in their sight, which means your routine must remain unchanged.”
“You are using me to set a trap!” She glares at me, and I nod. “Of course. We need to know who it is, and the best way of flushing them out is to wait for them to come to you.”
“You bastard.” She makes to stand, and I grip her hand tightly and pull her down sharply, hissing, “Don’t be stupid. It’s your best chance at surviving this because there will be eyes on you the entire time. We will be watching and waiting to strike, but youmustcooperate.”
“And if I don’t?” She sneers defiantly, causing me to growl, “Then I’ll pray for your soul at your funeral.”
“Are you threatening me?” Her eyes are wide, and I say impatiently, “I’m not interested in removing you from life, but we can’t rule out that somebody else might.”
For the first time, she realizes the seriousness of her situation and her lower lip trembles as she sinks back against the seat and whispers, “So, I’m fucked either way.”
I reach for the champagne and pour three glasses and as I hand one to her and one to Kyle, I raise mine in a toast.
“To surrendering control to me and staying alive.”
She knocks the drink back in two gulps, and I can almost touch her thoughts as they race for cover. Yes, my little princess has just discovered there’s a big bad world out there and it eats girls like her up for breakfast.
It’s going well. Better than expected because now Allegra is so terrified, she will do anything I ask.
As the sea of menace parts, a flash of gold enters the circle and I watch with anticipation as the woman drops into the seat beside Kyle.
Allegra peers with surprise at the dancer sitting opposite and I say pleasantly, “Allegra, may I introduce Heather Cardine.”
“I’m pleased to meet you.” She says politely and Heather nods. “I’m glad to be of service.”