Page 74 of A Shade of Evil
She stares at me in alarm. “You’re going to tell them, aren’t you?”
“I’m bored with playing games, princess. It’s Judgment Day.”
She falls silent and I watch her bite her bottom lip with nerves and I feel a raw hatred for her mom. What she has done is far worse than anything her daughter has ever done and has shown no remorse, to my knowledge. They will be in no doubt of their position when we leave, and they will never treat their daughter with disrespect again.
Allegra is quiet for most of the journey, and I hate that I must talk business with Kyle rather than making her feel better about this. Luckily, the flight is a short one and we are soon touching down on the tarmac of the private airfield we use in Washington.
As we step out into the sunshine, I note the waiting black cavalcade and wonder what her mom will think when we show up at her door.
“This is a bit extreme, isn’t it?” Allegra says in shock, her eyes wide.
“It’s necessary. I’m taking no chances with your safety.”
She visibly pales and I hate how scared she is.
When I picture her dealing with this bastard on her own my blood boils because I’m guessing if I hadn’t stepped in, she would be a corpse right now.
It’s all adding up that someone wants her gone, and I’m guessing that pleasure belongs to her sick and twisted half-brother, Jefferson Stevenson. I’m almost salivating at what I have planned for him, and as soon as we return, shit will get very real.
We take our positions in the car and speed off the short distance to her parent’s home in a leafy suburb on the outskirts of the city.
* * *
We soon reachthe street where she grew up and I stare around me with interest at a place where the elite live. Meredith Powell married Richard Stevenson, but for reasons unknown she kept her name and so did her children. From what I know, Meredith’s father was the last of his line and she wanted to continue their family name, so Rafferty became Powell and, to make it easier, so did Allegra. I suppose that shows what kind of man Richard is because he will do anything to please his wife. It’s just a shame she doesn’t return the favor.
We pull up outside their house, my cavalcade of cars making an intimidating sight in their neighborhood as they dominate the area. I’m guessing it will be a difficult one to explain over the lunches she enjoys, although I’m guessing there won’t be many invitations when word gets out.
Allegra is nervous. She is quiet and pre-occupied and just before we leave the security of the car, I grip her hand and whisper with concern, “Are you okay, baby?”
“Not really.” Her eyes are clouded with worry, and she says with a break in her voice. “Please don’t let them change anything, Shade. I’m worried about us, and I’m worried about my father. He is innocent in all of this, and it will break him.”
I say carefully, “I can’t guarantee that, but I can guarantee I have your best interests at heart. Their secret isn’t ours to keep. It’s always there, hovering in the shadows. If we don’t expose it, somebody else will. The fact you’ve been targeted at all is because of what your mom has done. Someone is causing trouble because of it, and it stops now.”
“How can you be so sure? It may be nothing to do with her and more to do with the woman Rafferty met at the party. The blackmailer saw an opportunity to make some money because Rafe is a big star now.”
“Nice thought, but you’re wrong.”
I sigh and pull her close, whispering, “I know who is doing this, and it’s nothing to do with that girl who was murdered. Nothing to do with you andeverythingto do with your mom and that bastard who pretends he isn’t your father.”
“Who?” she says quickly, the hurt and pain in her expression agonizing to see.
“You’ll know soon enough, princess. Just trust me. This is the beginning of the end.”
I pull her from the car before she can ask any more questions and as we approach the front door, it swings open, revealing the disapproving stare of her mom. Meredith Powell.
“Allegra.” She says sharply, stepping forward and gazing at me with derision.
“You can come in, but your friends must leave.”
Ally grips my hand tighter and says angrily, “Now that’s not very polite, mom. I came to introduce you to my fiancé.”
Her mom’s eyes are wide and full of anger, and she hisses, “We will discuss this in private. Follow me.”
As we step inside her home, I peer around me with interest. Suburban life and the American dream in all its glory. I have visited many houses like this one and destroyed many families who live in them because they fell on hard times and got involved in my world just to maintain the illusion of winning at life. Allegra’s family is no different. Her mother has hidden a devastating secret for so many years now I expect she believes it herself. It will be interesting to observe her reaction when she realizes its game over.