Page 12 of Canadian Spring
“Well, whatever it is, cut it out.” Travis leaned back in his seat as more passengers made their way down the aisle.
Dyllan popped his headphones back into his ears and closed his eyes, drowning out everyone around him. He didn’t need to smell Skylar’s coconut scent as it drifted over him or feel the electric energy that radiated from beside him. No, he needed to listen to his playlist and forget everyone else existed.
An hour into the flight, the drink cart pulled him out of his self-imposed isolation. He needed something strong to take his mind off his current situation; being stuck next to someone who both turned him on and drove him crazy.
“Can I get you something, sir? Ma’am?” The flight attendant asked, smiling at them.
“White wine, please,” Skylar stated, making sure not to look at Dyllan.
“You got it.” The flight attendant pulled out a small plastic cup and the chilled bottle of wine from the bottom of the cart while smiling at Dyllan. “And you, sir?”
“Jack, on the rocks.” Dyllan slid a glance at Skylar. Her unique coconut scent grew stronger as her toned, tanned arm reached across his body. His mind raced, picturing what it would feel like to have that arm draped across his bare chest, her bright pink, manicured nails lightly scraping across his skin.
“Actually, can you make that a double?” Dyllan asked, clearing his throat as he shifted in his chair.
“Of course,” the flight attendant said, looking between the two. “Is this a getaway for you two?”
“Who, us?” Dyllan asked, mouth open as he looked between Skylar and flight the attendant.
“We are not together,” Skylar spat before taking a big gulp of her wine. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind another one of these, too, before you go.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” The flight attendant stammered as she handed them their drinks. “I just assumed—I’m so sorry.” She pushed her cart down the aisle, quickly filling the drink orders of the people behind them to move and quickly escape the area.
Dyllan hesitated before taking a sip of his bourbon, rolling his eyes at the laughter coming from across the aisle. “Shut it, Langston.”
“Even the flight attendant knows,” he said between laughter.
"The flight attendant knows nothing. As if we would ever be a couple,” Skylar said before taking another gulp of her wine.
"Oh yeah, princess? Why? Because you're too good for me?" He knew he was egging her on, but he couldn't help it. It was better than thinking there was ever a chance they could be together, even for a short period of time. No matter how much he wanted to get her under him and explore this sexual tension between them.
"Of course not. I don't think I'm better than anyone. I do, however, have standards, and you don't meet them."
"Ouch, Thompson. She got you there,” Travis added, laughter still ringing in his words.
"Travis, stay out of it," Lila whispered loudly from beside him.
"Oh, come on, babe. Like you don't love watching this too,” Travis countered.
“You know I do, but Skylar’s my friend, and Dyllan is just... well, Dyllan. Leave them alone." Lila swatted Travis’ arm.
"What does that mean? Dyllan is just Dyllan?" Dyllan turned his attention to Lila.
"Nothing!" Lila's eyes opened wide as she threw her hands up in front of her. "I just mean that you're our friend too, and I don't think that this," she pointed her finger between Dyllan and Skylar, "is good for your situation right now."
"My situation..."
"Look, man—" Travis started.
"Save it, Langston. I don't need either of your pity. I'm fine." Dyllan shot down the rest of his drink, plugging his headphones in and tuning everyone out.
What did they know about his situation? As much as he was glad they didn't know what it was like to have a fallen brother, it also meant that they didn't know; they couldn't understand.
What he didn't need was for them to treat him like he was a child or a wounded animal. And he for sure didn't need Skylar asking questions or getting up in his business either.
The rest of the flight was uneventful; his friends seemed to get the hint that he wanted to be left alone.
Everyone made their way as quickly as possible off the plane to the baggage claim, waiting together while the luggage slowly dropped and circled. Dyllan didn't have more than his carry-on and couldn't understand why everyone else needed more than that. Except for Brody, he seemed to be the only one with the same common sense as him.