Page 13 of Canadian Spring
"Oh, here comes mine!" Skylar exclaimed as she made her way to the carousel, grabbing a large hot pink roller suitcase.
"Does everything about you have to be stereotypical?" he asked as she stood in front of him, arranging her bags so they piled on top of each other.
"Does everything about you have to be so grumpy and pessimistic?" she countered, not bothering to turn and look at him.
Dyllan stepped forward, closing the distance between them until this front was almost flush with her back. The slightest movement would bring them together.
"I'm only grumpy and pessimistic when someone gives me a reason to be.”
Dyllan smiled to himself as he watched goosebumps spread across her neck as his breath washed across her skin. "And you, babydoll, give me a reason to be."
“I don’t know what you mean,” her voice was breathy as she stared ahead, running the charm of her necklace back and forth across the chain in front of her.
“You know exactly what I mean. You’re like a perky little doll. Strutting around in your tight clothes and high heels, acting like you don’t stand out in Logan Creek but inserting yourself anyways. I bet you’ll laugh all about us when you get back to Vancouver, aren’t you? Those poor little hicks in their small town, living their sad lives in the middle of nowhere.”
Skylar gasped, “I would never.”
She moved to turn around, but he stopped her, placing his hand on her hip. He ignored how adrenaline pulsed through his body as they touched. His heart was racing, palms sweaty. He tried to ignore how soft her body felt under his touch, how she held her breath at their contact. No, he couldn’t think about that.
“Good. I would hate to have to show you what happens when a pretty city girl like you crosses a country boy.” He ran his nose along the column of her throat, giving a nip to her ear before pushing away.
Dyllan smirked, hearing her gasp as he stepped away, leaving the group to claim the rest of their luggage. He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked to the exit.
It irritated him that he let her get under his skin. He just hoped they both came out unscathed at the end of it.
Chapter Five
“What am I doing?” Skylar muttered under her breath as they piled into the limo.
From the moment they quarrelled in the coffee shop, the universe had continued playing a sick joke on her, throwing her into circumstances with Dyllan. She’d been unable to escape the small town jerk.
And that move he pulled at the baggage claim? What was that?
Her body flushed as it remembered the heat of his touch. The weight of his hand on her hip remained like a brand, a constant reminder of their closeness. The bite at her ear nearly sent her over the edge.
It’s been too long since I’ve had sex. That’s all.
Surely her near self-combustion didn’t have anything to do with the man himself. The broody, muscular, tattooed, sexy mountain man. Nope. He had nothing to do with it.
“Earth to Skylar,” Kade said, sitting next to her at the front of the limo, a partition separating them from the driver. “Champagne?”
“Yes!” Skylar grabbed the flute, downing the bubbly wine in one shot.
Five pairs of wide eyes and raised eyebrows gaped at her from around the limo. Heat flushed to her face, and not just from the alcohol.
I need to stop letting him get to me like this.
“Another, please.” She handed her glass back to Kade, who dutifully refilled it. This time, she waited for everyone else to get theirs before taking another sip.
“To Kade and Brody,” Travis said, holding up his flute to the middle of the group. “I’ll save the long, boring stuff for the wedding, but may they live long, live happily, and have lots of amazing sex.”
“Travis!” Lila exclaimed, elbowing him in the ribs, almost causing him to spill his drink.
“What? It’s true!” he laughed.
Skylar laughed along with the rest of the group at Travis and Lila’s antics.