Page 32 of Until He Confesses
I rolled my eyes.
“Thanks for ignoring the remaining and very decent thirty-eight thousand extra.”
“What the hell are you saying? That’s change compared to a million.”
“Do you have thirty-eight thousand saved?” I asked and she sighed.
“Don’t let me regret complaining to you about my credit debts.”
“Thanks to your extravagant socialite spending,” I taunted.
“I hate you, but back to the point. How did this happen? What job did you do? Wait a second, you’re a fucking flight attendant. You fucking stole this money, didn’t you? Did a client leave it on the airplane by mistake or something and then you sent it into your account? That’s fraud, Callie. Or theft. Or both!”
I almost couldn’t control my amusement.
“Are you done?” I asked, and she laughed.
“Alright, explain.”
I sighed and wondered where to start.
“It is indeed from a client but…”
“But what?”
“But it wasn’t stolen.”
She went silent.
“It’s from Lucas, isn’t it?” she asked.
I remained silent.
“Yeah,” I replied. “It is.”
“For what?”
I realized now that I wasn’t quite ready to tell her, however, I had already shared the screenshot and so it would be impossible to explain it away.
“I think it was uh… some kind of a joke.”
“A one-million-dollar joke?”
“Yeah?” I said and she threatened me again.
“I’m going to drop this call.”
I sighed.
“Fine, we uh… spent the night together last night.”
“I knew it! My God. I so fucking knew it.”
“I’m on vacation anyways,” I mumbled but she heard me.