Page 66 of Insufferable Boss
"Oh,"I said. "You don't have any friends in New York? Just with her?"
"I have acquaintances,"she replied. "Just not friends close enough that I'd want them at the opening. It's a little private affair. Just the two of us. I mean... casual."
"Okay, am I invited?"
She looked at me,and I knew then that I had solely asked the question just to see the myriad of emotions that would pass across her face. She stared at me, and I waited until eventually her gaze narrowed, and I knew that she had caught on to me.
"You're enticing me,aren't you?" she asked, and I smiled.
"Why would I do that?"
She paused as thoughto ponder my words but was eventually convinced that she was right.
"I'd preferit if it was just the two of us," she said, giving me a harsh look, and then she continued on her way.
I letit go after all. I had a meeting with my sister that I was most definitely not looking forward to.
As the VicePresident of Marketing, she had so far allowed her assistants and management to bring products to her that all she had to do was approve. It was the arrangement of her being that one kid in a group assignment that never showed up to class or contributed, and yet had no shame about it, and it was pretty fine. Except now she was informing me that she was personally spearheading the second quarter's marketing campaign, and I had no clue why. I suspected, though, that it was an attempt to aggravate me for the afternoon. However, unexpectedly, this brief time with Lena had put me in a great mood. Nothing remarkable had happened but being with her in such a quiet space had given me the dose of excitement needed to neutralize the impending threat.
"Alright,"I said and started to walk away. However, she didn't move and just continued to stare at me until I reached her, and by the time I arrived, she didn't seem as though she planned to actually leave either.
I pausedas I stared into her eyes, waiting for her to speak, and eventually, she did.
"Do you..."she shut her eyes, and I almost smiled. "Would you want to come over tonight? We can have dinner and discuss a bit more about my plans for this space."
My brows liftedas I considered this, and then she shut her eyes again and released a sigh.
"Please don't letme regret this."
I was amusedas I knew then what had happened. We both felt it, and there was no mistaking the fact that we had both come to some sort of consensus.
"I'd love to,"I said.
My gaze loweredto her lips, and I had the urge to lean forward to kiss her, but I knew that it would be too soon. Whatever this consensus between us was, it was so fragile that neither of us could admit it out loud, so this time around, I truly decided not to taint it.
"Doyou want me to bring food over or wine? I don't expect you to have the strength to whip something up after work.”
She gave it some thought,and then she replied,
"I'm not sure yet.I'll ponder on it as the day goes by. I'll have a response for you soon."
"Alright,"I said and continued on my way.
"What are you doing?" I stared at the door as I asked myself the question over and over again. However, when I held it open just to watch him and his gorgeous ass walk away, it made sense to the dampness between my thighs.
"Of course, I wasn't thinking with my brain." There was nothing to contest about this fact, and no woman, I was sure, would think reasonably if they were blessed with this sight.
Broad shoulders, a haircut that I found fucking beautiful for reasons that were inexplainable, and of course, that tight ass that I had missed digging my hands into with all my heart. I had done my very best to stay away, but now, truly I needed my bed christened, and it had to be no one but him. Soon, he was out of sight, and I promised myself that I wouldn't involve Diana in this. But on my way, and in order to avoid the many greetings and stares that were coming my way, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.
"Hey," she called, and I felt relief at her tone. And then I tensed up because I was well aware that I was about to be severely mocked.
"Hey," I replied but kept silent.
“Hello… why are you calling? Are you okay?”