Page 67 of Insufferable Boss
"Yeah," I said, and she paused.
"Hmm hm... sure. This is about Kane, isn't it? I haven't heard about him in a while, and I wonder what's going on between you two."
I didn't respond.
"Should I tell you what my suspicion is about this matter?"
I sighed.
"What is your suspicion?"
"You were trying to avoid talking with him or speaking with him, although I have absolutely no idea why this would be the case. Wait, actually, I have ideas, I'm just hoping they weren't detrimental to your work."
"You're thinking a lot about us," I said, and she laughed.
"You know my heart is tied down with that gremlin, so I can only experience the escapades of the dating streets through you."
I smiled at her term, just a step before the elevator opened, and our eyes connected with an employee who nodded to me and then turned around. I had to be careful with the way I spoke then, but I didn't want to end the call so abruptly either since I was still yet to tell her about what I was planning for later on.
"Actually, I've been busy with my apartment," I said.
"Yeah, I know," she said. "I'm just teasing you. Thank God you called because I was going to call later with an idea. It's hospitable now, so what do you say I come over this weekend or next for a housewarming?"
I smiled at her suggestion.
"That was one of the reasons I called you," I told her. The elevator doors opened then, and I exited on my way to my office.
"So, I am actually hoping that you can come out next weekend for a housewarming."
"Oh, this is just perfect," she said. "I was ready to do so this week if you asked, but next week is even better because Matthew will be out of town, and I needed somewhere to go to celebrate my momentary freedom."
"Momentary freedom? I'll be sure to mention to him the next time we see each other that this is how you view his absence."
"Go ahead," she said. "I tell him all the time that I'm sick of his presence.”
“But you actually aren't, right?" I asked.
"Of course not. In short, I think I'm in love with him. And I think he's going to propose soon. It's been two years, and because of our rough patch earlier in the year, I was sure we weren't going to make it, but now... things are good... really good."
"Wait, what? You had a rough patch earlier this year?" I asked.
“How come I don't know about it?"
"Well, it wasn't exactly the easiest of times for you, was it?" she said, and I nodded.
"Yeah... hell."
"Which is why I'm so glad that you're truly getting back on your feet and even perhaps getting ready to fly again, and I couldn't be more excited for you. I'm also glad that Mr. Insane CEO is bringing you out of your shell.”
I arrived at my office then and decided that it was time to speak.
"And that is the final reason I called you," I said.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Well... I want to... I invited him over to have some dinner with me... at the new apartment."