Page 18 of Really Truly Yours
He nods slowly, ending with a cast of his gaze to Donny’s. “It’s hot today. Does he handle this weather alright?”
Grayson cares? “I was about to check on him, actually.” Before I went dead to the world, that is.
Another nod. “So, all the AC he’s got is that tiny unit in the bedroom?”
“Yes. The one in the living room gave out last week. I talked with a lady from his church. She’s requesting a check from their benevolence committee so he can replace it.”
“Church, huh?” Concern morphs to skepticism.
“Yes, church. Donny is quite devout.”
He takes that in, digesting what I expect is unexpected. “Why’s the church dragging its feet?”
“They’re not dragging their feet. It’s a small congregation, mostly old folks. Neither has much in the way of resources.”
He stares at his spiffy shoes. Definitely a style not sold in this town.
His calves are sculpted. They’re covered with the ideal amount of bronze hair. His legs look strong, and—
“Is there a store in town that sells window units? A hardware store or something?”
My cheeks feel sweatier than before. “There is, but whatever they have is going to be way overpriced.”
“Great. Get your shoes on.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re going with me.”
“No I’m not.”
He looks perplexed. “Why not?”
That’s a serious question? “Why?”
He considers. “I don’t know my way around town.”
“It isn’t difficult. I can give you directions.”
He falls silent. Earnest. “Please.” The rich blue of his shirt pops the deep brown out of his eyes, contrasting…handsomely.
Five minutes later, I’m riding shotgun in a luxury SUV.
Because getting into a car with a stranger makes a ton more sense than letting him into my home.
Chapter 5
I am not a fool. I know money does not buy happiness.
There are some things it does purchase, however. If I owned this vehicle, I might never be found at home. The car has a great ride, and the adventures that could await me at the end of any network of highways are limitless.
Me, an adventurer? Only in my dreams and hardly even those. I stick close to home as much out of nature as necessity. My life is simple, and that’s okay.
But…this car is incredible. Soft leather, classy wood trim, a super cool-looking computer screen that must have all kinds of tricks up its sleeve mounted front and center on the dash.
My favorite part is that my knees aren’t crumpled into my chest for once.