Don’t shoot the messenger…
Professional baseball pitcher Grayson Smith’s early life was not charmed. Two decades later life is good, in spite of having to deal with a career-threatening injury. Until…an anonymous caller won’t leave him be. In a fit of temper, he answers, prepared to give the loser a piece of his mind. Instead, he winds up—pun intended—agreeing to meet with the strange woman, knowing in his gut that his world is about to be rocked. Boy, when he’s right, he’s right.
Sydnee Carson’s life is fine, thank you very much. Who needs money and things? She’s happy in her little house in the same quiet town where she was born. If love were to come her way…maybe. But she’s dealt with enough users and troublemakers in her life to know that being with nobody is better than being stuck with the wrong somebody. And so what if her only real friend is a sick neighbor, an old man who just wants to set some things right before it's too late? If she can help, she will, but her small-town self is hardly equipped to deal with the man’s high-profile biological son. Frustratingly, well, maybe she isn’t as content as she believed…but stepping out always involves risk.