Page 60 of Really Truly Yours
Yet sometimes, his eyes…
No, I am not going to make stuff up. I did that a time or two when I was a lonely teen. I’ve grown up since then, and I learned early not to mistake a guy’s desire for genuine interest or affection.
But my skin still tingles at the spot where Gray touched my wrist.
Quiet now, he folds his big hands on his flat stomach and stretches out, settling in for the looming long night. Neither of us will leave until we know Donny is stable.
A fresh face—meaning one we haven’t spoken with this evening—calls Gray’s name.
Strike that. The platinum blonde with a sleek ponytail and a perfect figure makes eyes at Gray, and he calls her by name. Carly. Guess I know what Gray was up to when he disappeared himself earlier.
See? I’m playing this smart.
“Here’s that form we discussed.”
Form? Right. The smile she winks at him is the kind my own face is incapable of replicating. If I could, maybe I wouldn’t always be alone.
Or not. Failure to flirt is not the only reason I keep to myself.
Gray takes the paper, loosely halving it by his side. We follow Carly down a long corridor, ride an elevator, then pass through double doors. We’ve crossed into a newer wing, and she leads us to a large patient room where Donny is already settled into the sole bed. The lights are low.
A private room?
“Doctor Adams will come by in the morning once he gets all the test results. Until then, Mr. Grayson is our guest. I’ll be at the desk if you need anything.”
I’ll bet.
Carly sashays from the room.
My gaze seeks Gray’s response. He’s focused on Donny, hand on his bony shoulder. “Hey, old man. Still causing trouble, are you?”
The grin doesn’t match the accusation, and Donny’s smile is practically giddy. Bless Gray for his kindness. Now, if only that brother of his would come around.
Donny snickers as if he’s jawing with friends at a cookout, not waiting on test results at near-midnight in a hospital bed.
“Are they telling you anything new?”
“Broke my ankle and may need surgery. The heart enzymes were elevated, so they say I had a heart attack.”
Gasping, I edge in for his hand.
“Aw, it’s alright, girl. Just a minor one.”
“Heart attacks are not minor, Donny.” I don’t care what anyone says.
His skinny fingers squeeze mine. “This one was. The doc wants a couple more tests in the morning. Believe it or not, the ankle is the main problem right now.” He pats my hand and lets go.
My eyes sting. Donny is…when he’s gone…
A gentle hand swirls circles at the small of my back. I want to cave, lean my head.
I back away and drop into the vinyl recliner by the window.
Gray’s eyes track. “Let me take you home, Sydnee.”
What about me looks ready to leave? “I’m staying tonight.”
Two mouths frown at me. “You should run along and git some sleep, hon.”