Page 5 of We're All Liars
Surging forward, he seethes, “You know exactlywhoandwhatI’m talking about. I’m sick of the goddamn games, Morgan.”
“That’s what you’re mad about?” I shake my head and watch as he gets angrier. His movements jerkier. But I’m not scared of him. As furious as he is, I know he’d never physically hurt me. Even if he’d like to hold my head under the water right now, I trust him in that regard. “What makes it worse, the fact that I could count on her when you couldn’t or that she didn’t come back for you even though she knew? She only came back this time because I told her I wanted her to. If I hadn’t, she wouldn’t be here.” It really hadn’t taken much convincing. She needed an excuse to show her face, and I gave it to her by asking her to come back.
He reaches up and grabs the nape of my neck as he lowly tells me, “Be the bitch we both know you are. But remember, I know what you have planned for your father. And if it means hurting you, I’ll gladly switch to his side. Then maybe you’ll finally understand what real betrayal feels like. And you won’t be able to hide behind that bitchy attitude.” Releasing me, he turns and starts to walk away.
It takes me a few seconds to comprehend his words. If he really sided with my dad, it wouldn’t make it impossible, but punishing Dad would be more of a challenge. “Is that why you’re running away? Because even though I brought the worst out in you, you still can’t betray me.”
When he turns, there’s a devilish grin on his face. “I’m not running. I just don’t want to miss the show.”
Show?What the hell is he talking about? There’re a few seconds where I question, and a lingering nervousness develops as I wonder what he’s talking about. Though, I know I can handle anything he throws at me. I think so, anyways.
Following him around the side of the house, I move to stand beside him. Before I can ask anything, the flames catch my eye, and I register sirens in the distance.
Seriously? He didn’t. It takes a full minute before I comprehend that my Audi is no longer where I parked it and is instead four houses down in the street. Engulfed in flames.
I don’t have to ask him. I know from the glee in his eyes that he set the fire.
Finally. He’s reached my level of desperation, anger, bitterness. A reasonable person would be concerned. Me… I’m thrilled as fuck. It’s about time he gets on my level. Now the fun can begin. Because when someone finally stops giving a fuck, that’s when their true self comes out.
“Crawford,” Otis shouts through the building as I make my way out of the office.
I spot Neil before my boss announces I have a visitor. When he sees me, Neil darts over. Quickly glancing around, he then whispers, “I’ve been trying to call you all morning.”
“Working.” I motion over to the dock where I slept then went straight to work before the sun was up.
“Did you start the fire, Cade? I know things between you and Morgan have been… weird. But did you really do that?” When I don’t respond in two seconds, he pauses, then proceeds in a nervous, hushed tone. “That’s her style, not yours. You’re not a psychopath who sets shit ablaze.”
I regret the words before I say them, but I still speak it aloud, “You’re not a psychopath who’d shoot someone in the head either. But here we are.” The disbelief and hurt on his face make me sick to my stomach. But it also proves my point. “We really don’t know what we’re capable of until someone pushes us to that place.”
It’s a few minutes before he says, “An officer stopped by the house the morning, asking about the fire. But apparently Morgan told them it was an accident, offered to pay for any damages, then had a tow truck come get it like it wasn’t a big deal.”
Well, I’m thankful nothing fell back on Neil, which is why I made it a point to move the car. Luckily, Morgan is predictable and leaves her purse in the same spot in the kitchen cabinet with her fob inside. “It’s not a big deal to her. Everything and everyone are expendable.”
“Or maybe she thinks she’s expendable,” Neil mutters, his arms folding over his chest as he stares off into the distance.
“Are you really taking up for her? Team Morgan, huh?” I let out a chuckle. But I don’t find it funny. Neil in her corner is terrifying. Because I can’t go against him or shield him.
“I’m on your side. And even though I agree she’s a little challenging, you actually seemed happy. It might’ve just been a glimpse, but you were. Then you changed the day your dad was in Dustin’s classroom before the pep rally. You don’t have to tell me, but I know something transpired or was said.”
Neil is my best friend. And has been my confidant the last few years when I had some of the toughest struggles of my life. He probably knows me better than most. “My father bet against us. The only option I had was to either take the loss or let Dustin suffer the consequence.”
His astonishment shows through as he gapes at me. “That’s why we lost. I knew something was way off with you that night.”
“Every fucking thing is off.” And no matter which way I turn, shit keeps getting deeper.
“Agreed. But that actually makes me feel better. Because I knew something was going on. And now it makes sense… why you pushed Morgan away.” Neil exhales and drops to sit, “Is your dad still gambling on the games?”
I shake my head. “He’s supposed to be in some support group. But who the fuck knows. He’s never followed through with anything.” Except being a dirtbag. “I have to get back to work.”
“Okay.” Neil stands and looks around the marina. “Do you want to hang out later? It’ll just be me at the house. Savannah has some last-minute shopping to do for the masquerade tonight. You’re still coming, right?”
Another thing I’d signed up for that I really didn’t want to do. “I don’t know.”
“But you’ve already paid your portion for the limousine and everything. Plus, I think it would be better than sitting here alone.” He lowers his voice. “Or setting things on fire.”