Page 6 of We're All Liars
Actually, both of those options sound better. “I’ll think about it.” But I already know I’m going to cave in. Besides, at least this time wearing a mask is required and expected.
“So.” Ryder leans against the doorframe as he tilts his head and looks to me. “What circus is planned for tonight?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.” Astonishingly, the truthful answer isnothing. I just want to let the previous spectacle play out. Moving around my bedroom, I’m acutely aware of Ryder still lurking. “Just say it.”
He waves a hand through the air. “Why would I have anything to say? It’s not like there was another fire last night or anything.”
“Yeah. Outrageous.” It is for Cade, not for me.
Apparently, my brother still thinks I’m responsible for igniting the blaze. “I saw the new Audi in the driveway. Nice. But why burn your car up just to replace it with a newer model?”
I don’t have patience for this right now. Or ever. Stopping, I glare at my brother. “I didn’t set the old one on fire. That was you trusty, perfect buddy. Go lecture him.”
There’s silence. And from the surprise morphing over Ryder’s face, I’m certain he’s trying to comprehend the news flash. “Yep. SuperCade is not as perfect as everyone believes.”
“What did you do to him beforehand? Other than blindside him with his mom?”
I laugh as I shake my head. “Yeah. Being blindsided with a long-lost family member gives him the excuse to act like a psycho. Guess I can use that one too.”
“What are you talking about?” Ryder shifts unnervingly as he steps into my bedroom and shuts the door behind him. “Morgan, what did you do?”
It takes me a few seconds of studying Ryder’s terrified mug to grasp his concern. “You know about her. Don’t you?” The tightening of his jawline, the way his eyes avoid mine. All of it confirms. “You really are a fucking liar too.” I laugh as I say the words, but I don’t understand why he’s been keeping everything from me. First that he’s actually a great ball player, and now that we have a sibling out there. “At least Maddie has a shot since she’s not a part of this fucked-up family.”
“Morgan, leave her alone.”
His defensiveness and effort to protect her rubs me the wrong way. I’m his sister. “That’s exactly what I did. I went to see her and realized she’s better off without me in her life. Luckily for her, Dad stayed away. But what about you? How long have you known? Have you been up there for a visit?”
He shakes his head and waits about a minute before he finally answers, “I knew Wendy was pregnant when she resigned. I heard her crying on the phone and telling someone she had to quit and how Dad wanted nothing to do with the baby. But I didn’t really connect the dots and look her up until a few years ago. All I do is send a birthday and Christmas gift. I never wanted to confuse Maddie or get her on Dad’s radar.” Ryder looks to me with determination. “We have to protect her from him. We can’t let her get caught up in the cross fire, Morgan. Swear to me that you won’t use her, jeopardize her, just to punish Dad.”
There’s no wonder why he’d question my morals, or the lack of them, but it does piss me off that he thinks I’d offer the kid up on a platter just to get back at our father. “I promise.” Which is something I never do.
And even Ryder is surprised. “You do care about her.”
Ugh. That really rubs me the wrong way. “And staying away from the people we care about is the best thing we can do for them. So, stay the fuck away from me too.”
I go to open the door, but before I can bail out of the room, he says, “At least you’re back to normal, liar.”
I take my time walking the few blocks along Royal to get to the event. Yeah. We had a limo but being trapped in it with the demon sounded even less appealing than the damn masquerade. And when I step into the ballroom, it takes me about two seconds to find her. I already know as I spot her… even when I hate her, I want her.
I get a full minute to watch her before she notices me. Her emerald eyes lock with mine, the black lace mask surrounding them not enough to hide her even with the feathers on the side near her temple that coordinate perfectly with the vibe of the black dress she’s wearing. My sight immediately drops to her exposed thigh, where the slit of the gown goes clear up to her hip.
Fuck. My dick responds to the thought—is she even able to wear underwear with that damn costume? And she’s aware I’m checking her out. Not that I’m trying to hide the fact anyway. Her first response is to shift so more of her leg is exposed, the movement causes the full skirt to flow around her as she moves near some douchebag and whispers something in his ear while her eyes are still locked with mine.
He smiles at her and extends his hand, to which she places hers in his and lets him lead her to the dance floor. He’s barely assumed his place in front of her and brought his hands to her hips before I’m standing next to them.
When I pause for the few seconds, I see the glint in her eyes, thinking she’s about to get her way. Instead, I lean towards her and say, “Even behind a literal mask, you’re so fucking transparent.”
I don’t wait for her words before I turn and walk away because the shock on her face is enough. Do I want to pry that motherfucker’s hands off her? Yes. Will I give her the satisfaction of doing so? No.
Heading across the ballroom, I approach Neil seated at a table alone and take up residence in the chair beside him. “Where’s Savannah?”