Page 58 of Battle Lines
“No, I mean like talk to me if this is something you want to explore. I don’t—I don’t know about sharing you, Mayhem. I’m not the guys, and I still don’t totally get how they’re all okay with sharing Ivy, but it works for them.”
She licked her lips.
“If you need something like that, we might have to try and figure it out.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. “Whatever else we do, we’re in this together. I promised you I’d have your back, and I do—and I know you have mine.”
She’d proven it constantly, and this afternoon was no exception.
When she wrapped her arms around me, I gathered her close and held her tighter.
“Pretty Boy…”
“If you decide you want to have sex with someone else… will you tell me first, too?”
That gave me a jolt. “I don’t want to have sex with anyone else.”
“Well, if you do though…”
I rolled my eyes. “I promise, you’ll be the first to know.”
She snorted. “Good.”
“Any reason in particular it’s good?” I had to lean back so I could study her face.
“Mrs. Waldemar seemed especially interested.”
I groaned, but her laughter was worth it. “Come on upstairs and into the shower with you. Then we’ll have a quiet night. I think we’ve earned it.”
I rose, carrying her, and she looped her arms around my neck. “Pretty Boy?”
“Hmm?” Then I narrowed my eyes as I paused before the steps.
“Thank you.” There was a lot of emotion shining in her eyes, along with tears. It was raw, and it hit like a sucker punch.
“You’re welcome,” I whispered against her forehead. “You’re always welcome, Mayhem.”
Wood arrived at Der Sonne promptly on time to collect us. I’d elected to drive out earlier in the day and get ready there. It also gave us time with Grandfather’s valet Winston, who checked the fittings, fortunately—the seamstress had all of my measurements and I’d had fun taking all of Pretty Boy’s. A part of me wished I’d been there when they laid out his, but I needed assistance getting into the dress, so we got ready separately.
Karagiani was going with us to the gala, there was no getting around it. I’d informed him he would need to at least be in a black tie and a mask if he was going. He’d agreed. For now, he was downstairs.
“Mr. Hardigan is ready, miss,” Collette said. She’d been one of the maids at the house for more than a decade. She always helped me get ready when I stayed here. “Mrs. Danvers said to let you know.”
The housekeeper.
“I hope she’s not fussing at you.”
Collette laughed. “No more than the usual, I promise. She was disappointed when she learned you might not be staying for the whole weekend.”
“Well, that’s still to be decided,” I said, pivoting to face her. The swish of the skirt was deeply satisfying. I could not have lived in an era when these types of dresses were considered everyday wear, but I did love dressing up.
Even if it was for the Reed Masquerade.
“Help me with the mask?” It was the last piece. We needed to arrive fully adorned and ready.