Page 59 of Battle Lines
“Absolutely. If you don’t mind me saying, you look like a million dollars.” Her smile was easy and affectionate. I lifted the mask to my face. The black and gold matched my dress perfectly. The gold ornamental peacock along the right side framed my eye while the carved golden feathers extended above and below.
The mask hugged my face, covering my forehead to the top of my upper lip, barely revealing my jaw. My nose was tucked delicately behind it. The dramatic black and gold cosmetics enhanced the shape of my eyes behind the mask. The rest of my dress was done up in layers of satin with an overcoat of gold embossed on satin with the black underdress.
The corset created the illusion of a smaller waist while pushing my breasts up. The square neckline enhanced the look and a dusting of gold powder added to the sparkle. The three-quarter sleeves ended in lace that draped my soon-to-be gloved hands and then the skirt itself just whispered against the floor. The crinoline underskirt gave it a shape that added to the bell effect.
It was almost too much and at the same time, I enjoyed the effect. Costume parties could be fun. The whole point of Venetian Masquerades was a celebration of carnival when everyone came out to play and the masks gave us freedom and anonymity. Tonight, I craved both.
“Thank you,” I tugged my gloves on one at a time and then took the small purse we’d put together that I could wear over a wrist. “Thank you for helping me get ready.”
“My pleasure. Do you mind if I peek to see how Mr. Hardigan reacts?”
Laughter surged through me. “I don’t mind in the slightest.”
Collette clapped her hands together, the warmth in her smile wrapping around me like a hug. For a moment, my stomach bottomed out as Collette took the lead. She opened the door for me and I had my reaction under control by then. The past couple of days had been filled with tension, but Pretty Boy hadn’t left. Nor had he turned away from me.
We talked, and when he asked me about the ball and expectations, I told him everything. I had no idea how this would all work out, but we would figure it out together. Tonight—tonight, we were going to be out there for everyone to see and there was definitely safety behind my mask.
But I had no illusions about Ezra and Adam both being present. The only question was whether Adam was aware of what happened. I knew he didn’t know about the island, especially since he would have said or done something. The more recent interlude?
Shaking off those shadows, I moved to the stairs. With one hand lightly on the railing, I began my descent.
“Mayhem…” The soft exclamation in Pretty Boy’s voice made me smile. I found him coming out of the front parlor, where he’d clearly been waiting. It was my first proper glimpse of his outfit. The 17th Century breeches in black looked a little poofy though the boots were a perfect compliment. I didn’t think he’d go for the hose. Added to the ensemble was the black shirt with the black and gold jacket that fell to his knees. The black and gold mask of a fierce bird of prey added a predatory sharpness to him, even if all that was visible was his jaw and his eyes.
“You’re looking nice yourself there, Pretty Boy.” He held my full attention as I descended the steps, and when he reached out with a gloved hand, I slid mine into his.
“I feel like a fool,” he murmured and I chuckled.
“You do not look like one. Not in the slightest.” Head tilted, I met his gaze. “Did everything fit?”
“It did, they did an amazing job and I have a feeling this costs more than everything I own combined.”
Snorting, I shook my head. “Not that much, I promise. And I am going to be the envy of them all tonight. Everyone will want to know who the dashing dark man in the raptor mask is, and how they can steal him away from me.” I picked off a piece of imaginary lint as he shook his head.
“Nothing can take me away from you, don’t worry. I’ll fight them every step of the way.”
“Good. Now—is Karagiani ready?”
“I am.” The droll voice came from behind Pretty Boy, and he turned, allowing me to see Karagiani dressed in black tie, with a cloak and a long, sharp beak of a plague doctor mask.
The high collar on his cloak hid all but his tie and there was absolutely nothing to betray his identity. Coupled with the mask and the unrelieved black would leave him completely shrouded in darkness. It was rather chilling how well it seemed to suit him.
“How do you plan to do this, this evening?” Mainly because I wanted to have some idea of what to expect. The gala usually has something close to six hundred in attendance. “I would prefer not to explain your presence to my sister.”
I didn’t give a damn about explaining him to anyone else. I wouldn’t bother. But Andrea tended to pick up on some things faster than I cared to admit. While he might blend in, there was something rather compelling about Karagiani in his outfit.
“I will do my best to blend in.” I could practically hear the smirk. “As long as Mr. Hardigan is at your side, I will allow some space. But should he be pulled away, I will move up to join you.”
Glancing up at Pretty Boy, I raised my brows, not that he could see them behind the mask. “Does that work for you?”
“It does.”
“Miss Lainey,” Branson said as he came out of the side hall. “Your car is ready, and Mr. Leopold asked that I extend his best wishes for the evening. If you are not staying the night, he has asked that you call him tomorrow.”
“And if I am staying the night?” Because I was curious.
Branson didn’t so much as twitch with a smile. “He would expectyouat breakfast.”
So he wanted a briefing. Not surprising. “Please tell him thank you, and I will certainly call tomorrow if I’m not here for breakfast.”