Page 40 of Plaything of His
“Dom called me,” he says as soon as he’s sitting down. “They’re short-staffed today, and he asked if I could go into work. Would you be able to drop me off tonight?”
Staring at sweetness, I wonder if Dominic has told him about my offer.
If he had, I’m sure either one of the two would have informed me. There would be no need for Dominic to call Benjamin tonight if the offer was discussed, but if he hadn’t yet found the chance to tell him, and this call had been made so that Dominic would be able to speak to him in person…
Letting those thoughts slip out of my mind, I ask sweetness a question.
I ask him whether Delilah knows what he does for work.
“Why does that matter?”
He asks me instead of answering as a small dip appears between his eyebrows.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, sweetness. I was only asking because I wondered what she would think if you stopped working altogether.”
“You want me to stop working?”
He asks me in a quiet voice.
“I don’twantyou to do anything–that decision is up to you. What I’m trying to say is that I know you work at Dom’s Den for money, but money will no longer be an issue for either yourself or Delilah. Your sister will be looked after, and so will you.”
He listens to me speak before he opens his mouth after a few seconds.
“I’m nothing to you,” he begins saying as I shake my head at him, already knowing that’s not true. “Apart from being your plaything those couple of days you visited me as my client, I’m nothing to you.”
“That’s not true, sweetness, and you know it. Even if you want to claim the title of being my plaything, I’ll accept it. But you and I both know that you’re something to me, even if you don’t want to admit it. I won’t force you to leave your job, but just know I’ll happily support you and Delilah if you ever choose to leave.”
He takes his bottom lip between his teeth as he bites down on the plumpness. All the blood rushes to my cock, and my balls feel heavy, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss the feel of his body against mine so damn badly. That kiss we shared last night was nowhere close to being enough. If anything, it made me want more.
So. Much. More.
“I’ll think about it. Thank you, Callum.”
And with that, he pushes his chair out as he stands up, walking through my office before he steps outside and shuts the door behind him.
Plaything, my ass.
It slipped out from my mouth.
I told him I was hisplaything.
Callum’s plaything.
Plaything ofhis.
Flopping onto their sofa, I groan loudly as I tip my head backwards.
I feel my sister’s eyes on me but for once, I can’t offer her an explanation.
I’m too embarrassed to even think about what was said between us in that office, not even five minutes ago.
“What’s wrong with you?”