Page 41 of Plaything of His
Delilah suddenly asks as I feel the sofa dip beside me.
Opening my eyes, I turn to look at my sister.
“It’s nothing. I’ve got a bit of a stomach ache, that’s all.”
She looks sceptical at me as she puts the back of her head to my forehead.
“I’ve got a stomach ache, Delilah, not a temperature.”
As she drops her hand to her side, she scoots closer to me.
“If you had a stomach ache, you would have been upstairs in your room chewing my ear off about it. Your skin is flushed and you’re acting weird. What’s up, Benji?”
For a second, I wonder if I should just tell my sister about Callum and I. Since she already knows I’ve been on a date with him, it would be easy to tell her about him. But I remember I told her that he was a client of mine, and I don’t think he’d appreciate me telling her that. Besides, if word was to get to Dom that I violated a client’s confidentiality, I’d be fired on the spot.
Not that I’m too keen to continue working with what Callum has told me…
“Hello, earth to Benjamin!”
My sister shouts as she waves a hand in front of my face.
Sitting up straight, I open my own mouth to shout back at her when something catches my eye.
“Delilah,” I murmur out as I spot someone walking towards us. “Heads up.”
My sister turns around, and as she does, her sister looks straight at her.
It’s freaky seeing both of them together in a room like this, but since we’re living here with Callum for however long he’s willing to have us here, I guess we’ll have to get used to it.
“Hey,” Lyra says as she stops in front of us, her eyes darting between Delilah and I. “Sorry for not introducing myself earlier on.”
Deliah stands up from the sofa at once as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I’m Delilah, and this is my brother, Benjamin.”
My sister says as she takes a hold of my arm and forces me to stand up with her. I nod towards Lyra as I introduce myself to her. She smiles at me before she turns to look again at Delilah,oursister.
“Your brother?”
Lyra asks as Delilah nods.
“He’s my…I mean our…well, Benjamin is Mum’s other kid. We have different fathers.”
Lyra visibly takes a deep breath when Delilah mentions our mother, and since I was there when she and Callum were arguing, I have a pretty good idea why.
Still, it’s a little weird that the three of us have the same mother. It's even weirder that Callum doesn’t think this is fucked up.
I can’t imagine getting with the son of my ex, but considering the fact that he was only a client, and I was only a plaything of his…
“Do you know where my Dad is?”
“He was in his office.”
I offer her as she thanks me.
Just as Lyra turns around to go to Callum’s office, he walks into the room with us.
When he spots the three of us standing around together, he visibly tenses. He stops moving as his eyes dart between each one of us. As Lyra moves forwards and throws her arms around him, he holds her close as I watch him finally relax. The expression on his face softens as he holds her tightly in his arms.