Page 76 of Illicit Obsession
Anderson cleared his throat and held up his finger, indicating for me to hang on before I lost my shit. Anderson walked to the back of the group, then a loud whack filled the area. The asshole guy’s head bounced forward, and it took everything in me not to burst out laughing.
“Don’t talk shit to an upperclassman or you’ll be dealt with outside of the team.” Anderson glared at him, and the team’s chuckles echoed off the walls.
I rubbed my jaw, grinning. The poor asswipe had no idea what he was getting himself into. Hopefully, Anderson’s warning sunk into his thick skull.
“Anyway. I won’t be able to play until next season, but the doc says I’m healing nicely. I started physical therapy and it sucks almost as much as Coach making us run suicides.” I laughed as Coach entered the locker room.
I’d already talked to him about returning, and he assured me we would work together over the summer. The important things were to stay focused and heal.
I intended to do precisely that.
“Thanks again for all the support.” I tapped my fist against my heart.
Everyone clapped as I joined my friends.
“Dude, I hate to admit it, but it’s sucked without you.” Quinn patted my good shoulder. “We’ve got some society business to handle as well.”
“I was able to talk Ari out of babysitting duty this afternoon. I was hoping to hang with you, Anderson, and Kane for a bit.”
“You bet. We can fill you in on everything you’ve missed. Plus.” Quinn leaned in. “Did they ever find the guy that took a shot at you?”
A trickle of fear crept down my chest. “No. It’s another thing I wanted to talk to you guys about. I need help keeping an eye on Ari. I’m not sure she’s safe.”
Quinn staggered backward before he caught himself. “And everyone else around you?”
“It’s about her and me. There’s not a threat to anyone else as far as we can tell.”
Quinn’s eyes widened. “As far as you know. That’s a gamble, dude.”
“I get it, but think about it for a minute. One shot was fired. One bullet casing was found. No other shots. If it were about anyone else or a random shooting, I wouldn’t have been the only one taken down.” I slapped him on the back and hoped my reasoning calmed him. “Let’s catch up at the society where we have some privacy.”
“Yeah. Sounds good.”
* * *
Memories of joining the brotherhood and fucking Ari returned front and center in my mind as I walked into the building and to the meeting room. That time, I wouldn’t grab a mask and cloak. It was all about talking to my friends and asking them for help. I wasn’t sure how much I needed to divulge, but the society had brought us all closer, and I trusted them. At least with most of my secrets.
The sound of my tennis shoes echoed off the walls, the only noise in the building. I reached the door, strolled into the room, and closed it behind me.
“About time, asshole.” Anderson grinned at me and popped a potato chip in his mouth. “Hungry?” He held the bag out, but I declined.
Since Quinn and Kane weren’t there yet, it was a perfect opportunity to chat with Anderson.
“Are we good? About Ari? I know you had a thing for her. I can’t blame you.” I flashed him a smile, then sat across the table from him and propped my feet on the corner.
“Yup. Gotta say that Ari seemed unimportant when you dropped, man. Nothing against Ari, I’m just saying the team and I were worried about you.”
“I appreciate it. The whole thing has been difficult. It’s why I wanted to talk to you guys. I trust you all with my life, and . . .” I rubbed the knots in the back of my neck, hoping to relieve some of the tension. “I’m concerned about Ari. I’m not sure she’s safe either. We’re both taking a chance still attending Whitmore.”
Andersons’ face fell. “You got in some deep shit, didn’t you?”
I nodded. “Yeah. As much as I want to, I can’t tell you guys everything. I can give some details, though. Enough for you all to keep an eye on Ari when I’m in classes or helping Coach with scouting our opponents.”
“At least you’re coming back. Honestly, I didn’t think you would ever walk onto the field at all, so I’m glad he’s keeping you busy. It probably helps you still feel involved and a part of the team,” Anderson added.
The sound of the door opening broke up our conversation. I glanced over my shoulder at Kane and Quinn and the rest of the guys joining us.
“Good to see ya, Jag,” Kane said, holding his fist out for me to bump.