Page 77 of Illicit Obsession
“Good to be here. Is this place running okay without me?” I laughed as the others sat down.
“We’re managing,” Quinn smirked, grabbing his crotch. “I do love the variety the society has to offer. I’m not sure how I was selected, but there’s no complaining here.”
“Same,” the guys said in unison.
“Me too. I just had no clue the first chick I would be with was Ari.”
“I’m so damn confused. I thought her name was Phoebe.” Quinn looked at the other two. “Didn’t you?”
“That’s part of the reason I’m here, to explain some shit.”
“Then get started, we’re listening,” Kane said. He laced his fingers behind his head, his expectant gaze focused on me.
“Ari had to change her name for a while. Well, her dad changed it to protect her. She went by Phoebe Jenkins for several years, but I’ve always known her as Ariana Ellison. When I got shot, she revealed herself as Ariana and informed the hospital she was my sibling.”
“Man, I wish you could have been a fly on the wall when she mentioned to the doc you two were related. Pretty sure everyone was shocked shitless. Especially those of us that knew you’d hooked up with her at the society,” Quinn said.
I eyed Anderson. “Did you tell them?” Other than Anderson, I had no idea how they would have learned who I’d fucked.
“Chill. It’s common knowledge who fucks who. It’s all on the spreadsheet and was emailed out when you were in the hospital. The Black Widow had several guys wanting the same chick over and over, so this was the easiest way to handle it.”
“I never got an email.” My brow rose, and I questioned his honesty. In my gut, I knew that Anderson was loyal. I was just overly cautious after I took a bullet to my shoulder.
“You’ve only been with Phoebe.” Anderson cleared his throat. “I mean Ari, so I didn’t send it to you while your life was hanging on by a thread. Would have been rude.”
I nodded. “I get it. Thanks for the update.”
Quinn raised his hand like he would in class. “Why? Why did Ariana need to be protected?”
I pinched the bridge of my nose before I continued. “I fell in love with Ari when we were teenagers. Our parents got married when we were nine and ten. Some people find that gross, but we’re not biological siblings, so I’m not sure why people think it’s their business to object.”
“I find it kind of hot.” Kane shot me a lopsided grin.
“We had to sneak around a lot.” My cock sprung to life at the memories of her running down the hall naked when our parents weren’t there. When we had vacation days from school and Theo and Samantha worked, we fucked on every surface of the house. Those were the good days before shit got complicated.
“One night, our home burned to the ground. Ariana was told that I died, and our parents told me that she died. Imagine my shock when I saw her at Whitmore.”
“Holy shit. That’s fucked up,” Quinn muttered, grief clinging to his tone.
I had no idea what Quinn had lived through, but at that moment, I realized he had serious ghosts in his closet. I understood what that was like. It could eat you alive from the inside out.
“Why, though. Unless they strongly disapproved of the two of you seeing each other, then what was the point?” Anderson asked.
“Ari and I thought we were doing a good job at keeping a secret, but the night of the fire, my mom told me she knew that we were together.” I set my feet on the floor and straightened in the chair.
Kane blew out a low whistle. “So they lied to keep you two apart? Dude, that’s twisted shit.”
“I suspect there’s more, but I don’t have any proof.”
“What do you mean?” Anderson leaned forward and propped his elbow on the table.
“It’s just a gut feeling, but I think Ari’s dad is hiding something. As soon as I found Ariana again, I got shot. Whatever is going on is personal as shit. I’m worried that being in Ari’s life again also puts her in danger.” I hoped I made enough sense without having to dive into any more detail, but from the looks on my friends’ faces, they needed more to go on before I could ask them to keep an eye on Ari when I wasn’t around.
“What are you not telling us?” Quinn asked, staring a hole right through me.
“I don’t want to put you guys in danger by sharing too much, but the night of the fire, Ari was kidnapped for three days. Once they had access to me, they let her go. My parents and family searched for two years before they found me. I can’t tell you anymore.”
“What the actual fuck? You both were held hostage? Well, shit, that makes sense as to why you’re itching to keep Ari safe, too. Hell, I thought getting shot just made you a paranoid motherfucker.” Quinn rubbed his jawline, focused.