Page 105 of Pucker Factor
“Yes, but it was put there by someone else.”
He seemed to think that over. “You know, not too long ago, a woman I work with voluntarily strapped herself to a bomb. It’s been known to happen. But she works on our side, so I wasn’t worried about it. You should really eat those tacos.”
“Mmm! We should get some Funyuns.”
And then he stood up and walked over to the vending machine, leaving me with so many unanswered questions.
* * *
“So, what exactly do you do for the company?” I asked as we cleared away our trays.
“That’s the question, right?”
I looked at him in confusion. “Um…yes, that’s why I asked it.”
“Right, I get it.”
That still wasn’t an answer. I felt like everything with Fox was a riddle that I would never uncover.
“It’s the Funyuns, right? They were so good.”
“I guess they added a certain crunch to the tacos,” I admitted. “I never considered putting snacks on tacos.”
“Oh, you can put them on anything. My personal favorite is shawarma and Funyuns. My two favorite foods. You can’t go wrong combining them.”
“I’ve never had shawarma.”
“Just wait until you come back to OPS. I make excellent shawarma.” Then he turned to me with big eyes. “We should have a party. I could make shawarma, invite the Kamau, maybe even his annoying sidekick who thinks he’s his best friend.”
“Who’s that?”
“The sidekick?”
“The Kamau,” I answered, not even sure I said it right.
“He’s my bud. Yeah, but he has this annoying guy always hanging around him. I guess they served together. I served with Tate. You don’t see me dragging him everywhere.”
“Who’s Tate?”
“My other best friend. Just don’t tell Kamau. I don’t want him to be offended.”
I shook my head, trying to wrap my head around all this. I didn’t even know Kamau, so how was I supposed to let that secret slip? It was becoming clearer and clearer by the minute that if I just agreed to things with Fox, everything was a lot smoother.
“Right, no problem there.”
“You’ll actually meet him soon.”
“The Kamau?”
“No,” he laughed. “Wouldn’t that be great? No, Tate’s coming aboard.”
“He is? Won’t Rafe have a problem with that?”
He snorted, pulling me up to the deck. The sound of a helicopter had me spinning around as it landed on the other end of the ship. “If he’s upset about that, he’s really not going to like who else I brought along.”
He tugged me behind him, ducking low as we approached the helicopter. The men had already gotten off and the helicopter was lifting off just as we reached them. Within minutes, I could actually hear again. Fox walked over to a man that I could swear was Rafe. What was going on?