Page 112 of Pucker Factor
I nodded, shoving my hands in my pockets. “So, back in the ocean.”
“Thank fuck,” Max grinned. “I can’t wait to get home.”
Cash jerked his thumb at the new guy. “Who’s this?”
“He’s the genius that crashed the plane.”
“Oh.” Cash nodded thoughtfully. “I just assumed Scottie did that.”
“Hey!” Scottie shouted across the deck. “I heard that!”
* * *
“Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily—You know, it’s not any fun if you guys don’t sing along,” Fox sighed.
“We’re here, so it doesn’t matter now,” I grumbled, raising my oar out of the water as I carefully stood and placed my hand on the dock. It was dark as fuck. It had to be well past midnight at this point, but we were finally on dry land, and that was all I gave a fuck about. “Fuck, my back hurts.”
“At least you didn’t have to sit right beside the live musical for two fucking days,” Kavanaugh grumbled. “He’s lucky I didn’t toss him overboard.”
I got out of the boat and tied it to the post, then reached down for Sarah to take my hand. “Are you okay?”
“You mean besides the ache in my back and the desperate need to shove a knife through Fox’s eyeball?”
I smirked, glad that his charms had worn off. “We’ll find a hotel for the night. A nice one.”
“With what wallet?” Red joked.
“And spend the whole day in bed tomorrow?” she asked dreamily.
“Sure,” I said, though I wasn’t sure that would be possible. But after two days of rowing to Florida, there was no fucking way I was telling her she couldn’t stay in bed all day. Her skin was toasty and the few supplies Rafe put on the boat just barely got us through the trip back to the mainland.
“I’m gonna kill Rafe the next time I see him,” Scottie said, groaning as he stood.
“Get in line,” Red grumbled. “Fuck, I don’t think my body hurt this much when I was in the fucking military.”
“I feel great!” Fox grinned. “There’s nothing like a good rowing exercise to get you back on track.”
“That wasn’t a fucking rowing exercise,” Tate snapped. “Fuck, I never should have gotten on that helicopter.”
“Trust me, the rest of us have been saying that since the moment we got on the plane with Max,” I retorted.
“Hey, I saved your ass.”
“Is that what you call what we just went through?”
“You know, a little fucking respect. I didn’t have to leave my humble abode in the Caribbean to save your ass.”
“If you had fixed our fucking plane, you wouldn’t have had to, but you were too drunk,” Scottie argued.
Max stretched, groaning as he looked around him. “If I’m going to handle being back in the U.S., I’m going to need a fucking drink.”
Cash climbed out of the boat, still fuming from being kicked off the ship by Rafe. He glanced at his phone and sighed. “Finally, we have reception again.”
IRIS raised his hand. “I vote we all get sat phones to replace the company phones.”
“Agreed,” Scottie said.
“Done,” Cash answered without a second thought.