Page 115 of Pucker Factor
“Nary,” Sarah chuckled. “I like that word.”
I set her down on the ground, lowering her into a chair that she quickly curled up in. Cash was sorting out the rooms, and I desperately wanted to sit down, but didn’t dare in my current condition. I didn’t have the money to replace all the furniture. But I wouldn’t tell Sarah not to sit down.
“Okay, I got four rooms.”
“I’m with Kavanaugh,” Red said immediately.
“IRIS,” Cash called out.
“Wait, what’s going on here?” Max asked.
“No, no, no,” Scottie chuckled. “I see where this is going. You all bunked up together, and now I’m stuck with the new guy or Fox.”
“I can share a room with Fox,” Sarah suggested as she stood.
I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into my side. “Like hell you will.”
She looked up at me with humor. “He’s married.”
“He’s still a man, and you’re not sharing a room with anyone but me.”
“Wait, if you got four rooms, where does that leave me?” Max asked. He stared at all of us as we recounted. “Well, shit. I guess that leaves me out on my ass. I mean, I did fly your asses out of the Caribbean. And lose my plane. But that’s okay. I’ll just sleep on the sidewalk tonight.”
“I’ll get another room,” Cash grumbled.
“But I still get stuck with either Fox or the new guy. What the hell?” Scottie snapped.
“If I stay with Fox, you can stay with Eli,” Sarah said.
“I swear, one of these days I’m going to put duct tape over your mouth,” I said, barely holding onto my temper.
“I am not staying with Fox,” Scottie argued. “He’ll sing show tunes all night and keep me awake. You’re friends with him, Tate. You take him.”
Tate chuckled, stepping back. “Nope, I served my time with him. I love him—”
“Awe, I love you too, man,” Fox grinned.
“But there is no fucking way I’m sharing with him.”
Fox’s face fell. “You know, that really hurts.”
Tate shrugged, not caring. “I’ll bunk with IKE.”
“Why does he get to bunk with you?” Scottie cut in.
“Fine,” Tate rolled his eyes. “I’ll share with you.”
“Why should I have to share with any of you? For all I know, you’ll rob me in my sleep,” Max interjected.
“Alright, alright!” Cash shouted. “Max, you’ll get your own fucking room.”
“And what about me? Should I sleep on the sofa?” IKE asked, staring at all of us. “You drag me out here and then forget about me?”
“Fuck,” Cash groaned. “This should not be so complicated.”
“Sarah and Eli are sharing a bed, so Fox can bunk with them. IKE, you’re with the new guy.”
“Just to clarify,” Fox cut in. “The new guy and not New Guy. Let’s be real clear on that. You can’t just replace a guy without a name.”