Page 148 of Pucker Factor
“Yeah, any street cams, her front door, anything you’ve got for me,” I said in irritation. “You’ve done this before. Why are you making such a big deal about it?”
“Why don’t you just go see her?” he questioned. “Wouldn’t that be easier?”
“That’s what I said,” Red muttered.
“You didn’t say that at all. In fact, you didn’t even know why we were coming down here.”
He huffed out a laugh. “I can guarantee I knew where we were going the moment we left the bar. You’re so obvious.”
“Oh, please. I am anything but obvious.”
“Right,” Dash laughed. “That’s a good one.”
“What are you talking about? Name one thing I’ve done that’s obvious,” I said, looking at both of them expectantly.
“Fall for a woman you hardly know,” Red replied.
“Jump on her to save her from a bomb that’ll blow her up.”
“Spout poetry to tell her you love her.”
“I never did that,” I argued.
“Take a bullet to save her,” Dash continued.
“Put cameras in her apartment.”
“Check them every day.”
“Hold on,” I shouted, stopping the back and forth. “What are you talking about? I never put cameras in her place.”
“Well, someone did,” Dash grinned. “I hacked into them after Daddy dearest brought her home. Then again, he’s secret service, maybe he had them installed so he could spy on her.”
“You mean to tell me that you’ve had footage of her this whole time and you didn’t tell me?”
“I kind of thought you wanted it to be kept private. You know, something for the spank bank,” Dash grinned.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to control my temper. “And you thought her dad put cameras in her bedroom to keep an eye on her?”
He opened his mouth to respond, then snapped it shut.
“Pull up the footage from when it first started,” I ordered.
He spun around in his chair and got to work. Within seconds, he had the very first footage pulled up, and in the corner, the date. “Look at that. That’s just a day after the bomb went off.”
“That’s weird.”
“If her dad knew she was involved in a bombing, why would he install cameras, but not go after her?” I asked, pacing the room.
“Dash, where does that IP address go?”
He had the decency to look sheepish when he turned back to his computer. “I probably should have looked at that instead of the striptease she was putting on for the cameras,” he muttered under his breath.
I was about to lunge when Red grabbed me around the arms. “I wouldn’t do that until we get the information we need.”
He released me but didn’t go far as we waited for the answer. “Uh…it looks like it’s being sent to an address in Chicago. Huh, that’s weird. Hey, wasn’t that guy that tried to blow her up named Simon?”
I turned to Red, immediately knowing there was no time to waste. Sarah was in danger, and if I didn’t get there in time, I might never see her again. “We need to get to the plane.”