Page 17 of Pucker Factor
He waved his hand at his face. “This is all a look. My boss said I needed to look more menacing. I usually wear glasses, but my boss made me wear contacts. I fucking hate them.”
“I’m sure. I couldn’t imagine sticking my finger in my eye every day.”
“It’s horrible. Anyway, I have to go, but it was really nice to meet you. And I’m sorry about the bomb thing. You’re a really nice person.”
“Sarah,” I told him. “And it was nice to meet you too. I hope you get what you need.”
“Thanks.” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I slipped my hand around to his back pocket out of habit and stole his wallet. Before he stepped away, I had it in my pocket. “I hope you somehow make it out of this.”
“Well, if I don’t, at least it’ll be over fast.”
He nodded, looking at me sadly before turning around and rushing out the back door. My boss glared at me, clearly unhappy with me.
“What’s your problem?” I snapped. “You’re not the one strapped to a bomb.”
* * *
When I imagined how I would die, it was never while attached to a bomb. Who goes that way? Suicide bombers, but not regular citizens. Maybe this was my penance for the bad things I did in life, though I was going to have to have a talk with God about just how bad my crimes were.
But a bomb would have been the more pleasant way to go. Screaming as I clung to my sexy one-night stand while free-falling from the fortieth floor was not the way I would have chosen to go. A bomb would have been instantaneous. I would have been dead before I knew it. But now, I knew my doom was rushing up to meet me. I would die a painful death. Maybe I wouldn’t even smash into the concrete and die instantly. What if I bounced a few times and had internal injuries, all the while awake and feeling every second of the pain?
So, I was falling to my death, clinging to the man that gave me more orgasms than I’d had in a very long time. The chute opened and we jerked to a stop from our freefall. I breathed a sigh of relief that I hadn’t smashed into the concrete and grabbed him a little tighter.
Man, he had really nice muscles. They were so hard. He pulled on the cord, yelling something at me, but I couldn’t hear him over the rushing in my ears. It wasn’t from the wind. It was from pure desire. I barely felt the explosion as part of the building blew up, but I used the opportunity to allow my hand to slip down his chest and brush over his cock. Call me crazy, but I wanted to feel him again.
As we swirled through the air, I felt his fingers tighten around me and remembered what it was like as he grabbed my hips and thrust inside me last night. I moaned, which he mistook as fear, pulling me closer to him. I wasn’t going to say no to that.
“Hang on!” he shouted as he grabbed the cord. He tried to direct us away from the building coming at us fast, but had little luck. We hit the building hard, but I didn’t feel a thing as his strong body protected mine. But then we started falling really fast toward the ground and…yeah, I was still thinking about his hard muscles. But I did have the good sense to at least scream.
I had to pretend I was terrified.
“Why are we speeding up?”
“Uh…funny story,” he laughed.
I looked up into his gorgeous eyes and said the only thing I could think of. “That’s my line!”
“We’re about to hit the ground!”
Yeah, I kind of figured that, but was surprised when we bounced off an awning before smacking into the sidewalk. His arm was still wrapped around me for just a brief second before he rolled me off him. I instantly felt the loss of his body and sighed. For just a few seconds, I had him again. Damn, I really liked his muscles.
Sighing, I sat up and looked down at his dirt-streaked face, which did nothing to diminish his looks. When this was all over, he’d walk away from me and our one night together would be nothing more than a wonderful, orgasmic memory. At least I could think of him when getting myself off. Maybe I could ask him for a picture. Then I’d at least get to stare at his beautiful face while I laid alone in bed.
On the other hand, he thought I was a different person. Maybe I could still turn this around.
“So…funny story. I should tell you my real name.”
He didn’t even look at me. “I’d rather have my wallet back.”
“Um…there’s a slight possibility it was in the building.”
He sighed heavily, closing his eyes. “And you didn’t think to tell me that when we were inside?”
“I sort of had a bomb strapped to my chest. There were more important things to think about.”
His eyes flew open and he sat up. “Why is that?”
My eyebrows shot up. “Should I have been thinking about something else when I was about to die?”