Page 38 of Pucker Factor
“Get on!”
She quickly complied as I yanked on the wires to start it, but Sarah shoved her hand over my shoulder and handed me a set of keys. I glanced at her questioningly, but she just shrugged. I’d have to talk with her later about her penchant for stealing. I started the moped and sped off, watching in the mirror as the man tried to chase us down. It was a slow getaway, not just because of the vehicle, but also because of the crowd. The first chance I got, I took an alley and got us the hell out of there.
Sarah’s arms wrapped around my body, clinging tight to me as I finally picked up speed, as much as I could in a moped. I pretended not to feel the way her fingers skimmed over my abs, or how she dropped one hand indecently high on my thigh. However, not all parts of my body chose to comply with my brain.
When I was sure we were far enough away, I skidded to a stop on the side of the road and tore her hands from my body as I got off the tiny bike. “What the fuck are you doing?” I shouted.
“Me?” she asked, her eyes wide with confusion.
“Yes, you! You don’t feel a guy up while he’s driving!”
“I was holding on because you made me wear this ridiculous dress!” she said, getting off the bike and nearly falling to the ground with all the added material. “It was like wearing a parachute while you were driving!”
I hadn’t thought of that. In fact, my brain short-circuited around the time she touched me. Still… “You had your hand on my thigh.”
“I was holding my dress down,” she argued.
I wasn’t sure what to say to that either. I was positive she was trying to grope me, and all the while, she was trying to stay on the bike. “Well…” That was it. The only brilliant answer I had, so I resorted to being like Dash. “Clearly, you never grope a man while he’s driving.”
She narrowed her eyes at me and stalked closer. “Clearly, you should be more considerate when driving with a woman on the back of that contraption!” she snapped, her finger pointed at the moped.
Again, what the fuck was I supposed to say to that? I didn’t have a clue, so I stalked forward and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck as I crushed my lips to hers. Screw words. They weren’t important right now. All that mattered was tasting those sweet lips again.
And it would have been fucking great if it weren’t for my phone interrupting us. I tore my mouth from hers and grudgingly shoved my hand in my pocket.
“What?” I snapped, not at all happy with this turn of events.
“Geez, why don’t you yell at the guy who you abandoned in the market? Thanks for checking on me, by the way,” Kavanaugh grumbled.
“Are you shot?”
“Do you have a knife wound?”
He snorted. “Of course not. What kind of idiot do you take me for?”
“Then why the fuck are you calling?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Because we were attacked, then you took off. Call me crazy, but I wanted to make sure you didn’t need assistance.”
I glanced down, wincing at the bulge in my pants. I definitely needed assistance, but not from him. “We got away clean.”
“Glad to hear that,” he said drolly. “I’ll make sure to tell all the rest of the fucking team that showed up to save your ass.”
“Any idea who they were?” While I was on the phone, I might as well figure this out.
“Excuse me?” I asked, sure I heard him wrong.
“Apparently, the Caribbean is not the best place for women to come if they don’t want to get snatched up and traded into the sex slave market.”
And we had an open fucking hut on the beach. Anyone could walk in there and take her in the middle of the night while I was sleeping beside her. “That’s fucking great. Any word on the plane?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fixed when the guy wakes up out of his drunken stupor.”
I clenched my jaw in irritation. “We’ll have to set up a security detail tonight.”