Page 56 of Pucker Factor
“I’m really sorry. I know you’re just doing your job, but I have to warn you, my boyfriend is coming.”
He sighed heavily, running his hand through his stringy hair. “That’s what they all say. Trust me, you’re not getting out of here. I wish I could help you, but I have a job to do.”
I nodded in understanding. Plenty of people did things they didn’t want to. “And I completely understand. I won’t cause any problems. I just want you to be aware. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
He stared at me in confusion. Honestly, it would be much easier if he would just listen to me. “You do realize that you’ve been kidnapped, right?”
“Oh, I completely understand.”
“And that you’re being sold into the sex trade.”
I nodded again. “I figured as much. None of these girls look like addicts.” I motioned to one in the corner. “She looks like she was on vacation.”
“Yeah, they’re always young and innocent. Except for you,” he added.
“Hey, I’m still youngish.”
“Oh, no offense. It’s just, they usually get the young ones because they get more money at auction.”
“Oh, is that what we’re doing?” I asked, now curious about the process.
“You’ll be here maybe another day before they move you to an underground location. That’s where they’ll sell you off,” he answered, glancing over his shoulder again.
Most of the men had wandered off or were engaged in conversation, so I continued talking to him. “How much do the men pay?”
“Anything from a few thousand to a hundred grand.”
“Really?” My eyes lit with fascination. “Do you think I could get that?”
“Sadly, you’re too old. The men will look at you and know you’re too experienced.”
Well, that just sucked. In a society where men loved experienced women, now I wastooexperienced. “You’d think I’d get bonus points for knowing what I’m doing,” I grumbled.
“Hey, I’d pay a lot for you if I had the money.”
“You’re just saying that.” I shouldn’t feel so dejected, but man…society put way too much pressure on women being young.
“No, really. I’d buy you myself and let you go, but I need the job. I’m trying to save up for my kid sister getting a kidney.”
I gave a sympathetic look. “Oh, I’m so sorry she’s sick.”
“Yeah, it’s been hard. That’s the only reason I got this job. I’m hoping to find one on the black market.”
“Be careful. You don’t want to get scammed out of your money.”
“Oh, I know. I met with this one guy,” he scoffed. “The fucker tried to get an extra hundred grand out of me.”
“No,” I said in shock.
“Yeah, and I would have paid that for Jenny. She’s amazing. Bright little girl. She’s gonna go places, you know? But I just didn’t have the money.”
“If I had it, I would give it to you.”
“That’s sweet, but you have your own problems to think about,” he said, motioning at the cage.
“Hey, don’t do that. Everyone has problems. Maybe they’re not all the same, but that doesn’t mean yours are any less important than mine.”
“Are you crazy?” one of the girls asked from behind me. She shook her head in anger as she got up and walked over to me. “Why are you sympathizing with the man that took you?”