Page 6 of Pucker Factor
“You blow things up for fun,” I retorted, grabbing the woman and strapping her to me as best I could. I scooted us closer to the window as her fingers dug into my shoulders.
“I can’t do this!”
“You can do this.”
“We’ll take the elevator!”
“Are you ready? Take a deep breath.”
“Can’t we discuss this?” she shouted as I stepped off the ledge and plunged us to the depths below. The cars and people on the street came rushing up at us just as I pulled the cord and the parachute deployed. I kept a tight grip on her, keeping her snug to my body. I glanced to my right as I heard a male scream that sounded way too girly. IKE went shooting past me with IRIS barely holding onto his waist. Then the shoot deployed and they jerked before continuing their descent.
I could hear the woman breathing heavily as she clung to me, her eyes squeezed tight. “Are you okay?”
“This is not normal!”
“Lady, you just had a bomb strapped to your chest and you were pulling at the wires!”
“That was different! We’re literally falling to our death!”
“And you were about to be blown up,” I said, pulling the cord to direct us away from the building.
“Yeah, but that didn’t actually happen. This is actually happening!”
“It’s about to—” I didn’t get to finish my sentence as an explosion tore through the building, the force of it hitting my body like a full speed car. My fingers tightened on her body as we went swirling in the wind, narrowly avoiding hitting another building.
“Hang on!” I shouted, grasping at the cord just as it slipped free of my grip. I grabbed it, but it was too late. We crashed into the glass of the adjacent building, my back taking the brunt of the hit. Then the chute caught on something and tore. “Fuck,” I muttered as we started falling faster to the ground.
“Why are we speeding up?” she shrieked.
“Um…funny story,” I chuckled.
Her eyes finally flicked up to mine and she glared at me. “That’s my line!”
“We’re about to hit the ground,” I shouted over the wind. I glanced down, hoping we hit the awning that was quickly coming up to meet us. She screamed as she buried her face in my chest. We hit the red awning and bounced, falling off and hitting the ground hard. I groaned as I finally released her from my grip and rested my head back on the ground.
Moments later, IKE appeared before me, grinning like this was all so fucking funny. “You made it.”
“Is IRIS still alive?”
He shrugged. “More or less.”
Then he walked away. The heat from the fire licked at my body even from this distance, but I was too fucking sore to move. The woman sat up, her nose twitching slightly as she stared at me.
“So…funny story. I should tell you my real name.”
“I’d rather have my wallet back.”
“Um…there’s a slight possibility it was in the building.”
I sighed and closed my eyes. “And you didn’t think to tell me that when we were inside?”
“I sort of had a bomb strapped to my chest. There were more important things to think about.”
24 hours ago in Florida…