Page 62 of Pucker Factor
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As soon as we docked the boat, I knew we were fucked. There was no mistaking the local authorities closing in on us. And they weren’t here to have a friendly conversation. I grabbed Sarah’s hand and pulled her directly behind me. I wasn’t the only one that noticed.
“Looks like we drew some attention,” Scottie Dog said, pulling out his phone.
“Any word on the plane?”
“Not yet,” he sighed. “I say we go to the airport and take our chances.”
“And if the plane doesn’t take off?” I asked.
“Would you rather stay here and end up in jail?”
He had a good point.
Sarah tapped me on the shoulder. “Um…why are we going to end up in jail?”
“Because this isn’t American soil and we’re Americans.”
“Except for IKE,” Kavanaugh pointed out. “He’s Spanish or European.”
“I’m not fucking Spanish,” IKE growled. “Let me take care of this. I’m the only one dressed to talk in a civilized manner.”
I held back a laugh as he shoved past us, dripping wet from when I shoved him off the dock. “Sarah, you still have the keys to the Jeep?”
“They’re in your pocket,” she whispered over my shoulder.
Frowning, I felt my pocket, then glanced at her. “You know, we’re going to have a talk one of these days.”
She smirked at me as I started pulling her off the boat. “Do I get to drive?”
“No, you don’t get to drive,” I scoffed. “If anyone’s going to drive, it’s going to be me.”
“Not if I get there first,” she laughed, dashing for the Jeep.
“Sarah!” I shouted, taking off after her. She couldn’t go anywhere without the keys, I laughed to myself, but when I reached for them, they were gone again. “Son of a bitch!”
“I’m riding shotgun!” Scottie shouted as he raced past me.
I put on a burst of speed and reached the vehicle at the same time he did, fighting over who got to sit in the passenger seat just as bullets pinged off the side of the Jeep. I jumped in and covered Sarah’s body with my own, but she was already starting the engine and shifting into gear.
“Are we taking the rest or leaving them behind?”
“Taking them!” I said incredulously. Though, when I looked back at IKE, I wasn’t entirely sure about him. He was currently in a fistfight with one of the local authorities. It would be so easy to just drive off.
Kavanaugh and IRIS jumped in the back seat, but we couldn’t leave without Red. Zoe would never forgive me, and she’d probably make me do all those films with her as a form of torture.
“Goddamnit! Go back for them,” I shouted as Sarah laughed and drove straight at the police. My eyes widened when she didn’t slow down as she approached. “Sarah…” Instead, she put her foot down and we sprang forward, heading right to the water.
“Oh shit! What is she doing?” IRIS shouted.
“That’s right, bitches!” Sarah shouted. IKE and Red leapt out of the way just before she clipped one of the guards and spun the wheel hard to the right. Kavanaugh screamed as he was flung from the vehicle, only being held by IRIS’s grip. The Jeep rode the edge of the concrete, narrowly avoiding falling into the water as she corrected and got the Jeep under control.
“Get the fuck away from the edge!” I shouted.
“Get me the fuck inside!” Kavanaugh shouted.
“Get me to a fucking toilet!” IRIS cried.