Page 66 of Pucker Factor
Sarah got up and stood beside me as if she was waiting in line for lunch. Red was eerily calm too, and IRIS looked like he was going to a party. As for IKE, he was still sitting in his seat, picking at his nails. What the fuck was wrong with everyone? At least Scottie had the decency to puke.
“Alright!” Max shouted. “I’m gonna open the door. Hang onto something so you don’t get sucked out and cut in half by the wing.”
This guy was just full of fun, delightful things to say. I held tight to Sarah, gripping the seat as best I could. Seconds later, the door opened and he turned back to us one last time before pulling the string on the boat and tossing it out. “Time to go!”
He jumped as if it was completely normal. We were coming up fast on the water. There was nothing left to do but jump. I grabbed Scottie off the floor and shoved him to the door, pushing him out as he screamed like a girl. IRIS was next, shouting like this was fun on the way down. I looked at Sarah one last time, pulling her in for a rough kiss. If this was going to be my last time, I wanted to make it count.
I pulled back and cupped her cheeks. “Sarah, if this is our last moment—”
“I think we should jump!” she interrupted. “You know, so we don’t die!”
We stepped forward together holding hands and jumped from the plane. I pointed my legs toward the water, hoping she didn’t break her neck on the way down. We hit the water hard, sinking quickly into the depths of the ocean. I fought like hell to hold onto her hand as I kicked my way to the surface. I broke free, sucking in my first gulp of fresh air, but Sarah was no longer holding my hand.
“Sarah!” I shouted, spinning around as I searched for her. “Sarah!”
I spun, seeing everyone else spread out across the trail from where we jumped, but she was nowhere to be seen. I dove under the water, trying to find her, but the salt water burned my eyes. I broke the surface again, hoping this time I would see her.
“Sarah!” I shouted over and over again.
I spun around and around, finally catching sight of her about fifty feet from me, struggling to stay afloat.
“I’m coming!” I shouted. “Just float!”
“I can’t swim!” she shouted as she bobbed under the water before coming back up.
“Then why did you jump?” I yelled, knowing it was irrational to be angry at her right now. When I finally got to her, she wrapped her arms around my neck, nearly taking me under. I was going to drown if she didn’t calm her shit down.
“It got this, man,” I heard from behind me, then her body went limp.
I glanced over my shoulder at IRIS, who winked at me. “What the fuck did you do?”
“I put her to sleep,” he said, looking at me funny. “Strange that we keep having to do that, don’t you think?”
Then he swam off, leaving me with an unconscious woman in my arms. “Thanks for the help!” I shouted sarcastically.
He waved and kept on swimming.
I woke to a floating sensation with warmth on my skin. Sighing, I rolled and snuggled into the warm body beside me. This was so cozy.
“You smell like salt water taffy,” I mumbled, wiping my eyes that felt crusty. In fact, everything about me felt crusty.
Chuckles sounded around me and I finally peeled my eyes open, only to see Eli glaring at me. If he was there, then who was I… I turned and looked up into the eyes of a very happy Max.
“Hey, there, darlin’. Have a nice nap?”
“I was sleeping?” I asked, sitting up and yawning.
“Yeah, I had to put you to sleep,” IRIS said. “You wouldn’t stop trying to drown Eli, and as much as I’ve thought about it myself a few times, and this was the perfect opportunity, I thought I’d step in and save him.”
“Thanks,” Eli said sarcastically.
“Wait, when was I trying to drown you?” I asked, not remembering that at all.