Page 75 of Pucker Factor
“Because bullets lose momentum when they enter the water,” I explained.“IRIS, you can rig something up, right?”
“With just bullets?” he laughed. “Sure, I’ll get right on that.”
“Well, firing at it will only draw attention. What if we don’t kill it right away?” Red asked.
“Okay, I’ve got it,” Scottie said, rubbing his fingers together in concentration. “Here’s the plan. Okay.”
“Do you want to tell us before the shark eats us?” I asked testily.
“Okay, we have this paddle,” Scottie pointed to the side of the raft. “We whittle it down and create a harpoon, then stab it to death.”
My jaw clenched in anger as I stared at him. And by the looks of it, everyone else hated the idea too. “Whittle? That’s what you want to go with? In the three minutes we have until that shark reaches us, you want us to whittle a harpoon?” I shouted.
“That’s right,” Max grinned. “Draw more attention by yelling.”
“If you know what to do, then do it!”
“I already told you,” he drawled. “Stay still and stop. Fucking. Yelling.”
My eyes slid back to the shark and I finally gave in to the fact that no matter what, this was how it was going to end. I’d survived war, jumping out of planes, and buildings exploding. Yet, the way it was all going to end was by a giant shark chewing me to pieces.
I pulled my gun, determined not to go out this way. Not just for me, but for Sarah’s sake too. I didn’t know her that well, but there was definitely something between us. And if there was ever a time to lay down your life for someone, it was when you knew that person could have changed your entire world.
I turned to her one last time, expecting to see the calm facade she had through this entire ordeal, but instead, she looked like she was on the verge of freaking out. I grabbed her by the arms and pulled her to me. Although it was hard to concentrate with the skimpy dress clinging to her sweaty body. And then I remembered her skimpy, stringy underwear Kavanaugh bought her. Man, it was going to be really hard to take the hit for this knowing what a perfect body I was leaving behind. “I’m going to take care of this. Stay with Red. He’ll look after you.”
Kavanaugh scoffed. “Of course, you didn’t choose me.”
I shot him an irritated glance, but turned back to her, my heart pounding in my chest. “I swear to God, you will get out of here and you will live.”
Tears filled her eyes and kept flicking back to the shark about to attack. “Eli…”
I smashed my lips to hers, knowing now what I had to do. After just a few moments of feeling that spark deep in my gut that told me she was the one for me, I tore myself from her grasp and ignored her pleas for me to stay. I shuffled my way over to the edge of the raft, my eyes slipping closed as I prepared myself to fight the demon in the water. This was it, the moment where my life counted, not just for Sarah, but for my friends.
My family.
With a battle cry, I leapt from the raft, drawing the attention of the shark to me. His fin raised out of the water and—
Fox popped up grinning at me, laughing his ass off as I fell into the water with a splash. I quickly swam to the surface, wiping the water from my face as I grabbed onto the fake fin attached to his back.
“Man, you should have seen your face!” He mocked me with a wide, silent battle cry, raising his arm over his head. “Classic, Eli. Man, I love you!”
“What the fuck was that?” I shouted, tossing the fin away from me.
He looked forlorn as he watched the fin start to float away. “You know, I spent a lot of money on that fin. That’s just rude.”
“What the fuck are you doing? What were you thinking? Are you insane?” I shouted.
“Which question do you want to be answered first?”
It didn’t matter. I had just practically poured my heart out to Sarah, thinking I was about to die, and it had all been for nothing. I swam to the edge of the raft, taking Kavanaugh’s hand as he pulled me. Dripping wet, I made my way back over to my spot, scowling the entire time.
“Do you still—”
“Shut it,” I snapped at Red.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him holding his hand over his mouth, eager to say something.
“I suppose you want to come in too,” Kavanaugh said to Fox.