Page 60 of Fight
“Wow, that was smart thinking,” I compliment them.
Colt smiles, “You can thank Sawyer for that one; he came up with the idea and then had the tech team figure out how to make it work.”
Jynx smiles and looks at Sawyer, “Good job. I knew you were more than capable of handling it.”
“Thanks,” he replies, and then claps his hands, looking impatient, “this place is pretty amazing. What’s the plan?”
Harley chuckles, “Give us a minute to say hello properly, Sawyer.”
Sawyer’s cheeks tint slightly, “Whoops, my bad. I guess I got a bit ahead of myself.”
Rome chuckles as he claps Sawyer on the shoulder, “Don’t worry dude, let’s get you inside and show you to your rooms for the night, and then we can discuss the plan for tomorrow.”
“Sounds good, let’s do this,” Lorcan agrees, grabbing a duffle bag and flinging it over his shoulder.
They don’t need any help since they’ve only brought go bags and know how to travel light, and Jynx hooks her arm through Harley’s as they start talking and she leads them into the house.
“What did you do with the dogs and Murphy?” Ace asks the group as a whole, a slightly worried note in his voice.
Dax smiles, “Don’t worry, we left them with a friend. We figured that since you didn’t bring them with you when you first came that you wouldn’t want us to bring them here, especially Murphy.”
“No, you’re right. I was just worried about them,” Ace replies.
“Don’t worry; they’re safe,” Sawyer reassures him.
It doesn’t take long to show them all to their rooms which are on the same floor as ours, and we’re soon sitting in the front room with fresh drinks as Jynx takes a seat next to Rome, and she explains the situation to the others first, we’re not being as vague as we were since we’re trying to make this place safe and everyone in our world knows that it’s a good idea to keep the location of any family members under wraps, even from those you trust, just in case. Information can be tortured out of people, and then family can be used against you.
“Okay, so what do you need us to do to make sure that these smugglers stop using the town?” Nash asks, clearly in leader mode.
Jynx smiles, “Our team is going to take care of the smugglers themselves. We’ll ask nicely and show them that this town is protected by us, and then assuming that they’re not going to be agreeable, we’ll then ask not so nicely.”
Harley smirks, “I figured as much.”
“We need you guys to meet the buyer. We know exactly where he should be, and you need to take our SUV down to meet him.” Jynx adds.
Ace chimes in, “Unfortunately, we don’t know who the buyer is. He was very careful to stay off of any of the security cameras that we had down there.”
“We’ve cleared up that blind spot now, so we’ll be able to see the entire area,” Mal tells them.
“And we’ve got someone keeping an eye on the cameras near us and you.” Ace tells them, “He’ll be able to let us know if anything seems hinky.”
“I’d suggest that those of you who are good at long range shooting should spread out through the woods to make sure that you’re covered. Something else to be aware of is that you’ll need to stay in our vehicle until they get out so that they don’t see you get suspicious and bolt. That’s the last thing we need, although thanks to the cameras now, we should be able to at least ID the buyer, and then we can go to him,” Rome tells them.
“Got it. That’s something we can do,” Nash tells them, glancing at Harley and Ridge and I’m assuming that they are the ones that are best at long range shooting.
“Are we following the same plan as you?” Lorcan asks curiously, a dark light flashing in his eyes.
“Yes, but I’m hoping that the buyer will just want out of the mess that’s going to cause him more trouble in the long run. We don’t want to start a war and bring more trouble to the town. We want it as safe as possible,” Jynx starts. “I’m hoping that our reputation has grown enough by now that they heed the warning.”
Sawyer nods and asks, “I’m going to assume that you want us to tell them that the town is under Raven protection then?”
Jynx thinks about it for a moment before she replies, “Yeah, actually, that’s a really good idea, I was trying to figure out some way to work it in, and that would work perfectly. Plus, I’m going to get the tech team to keep an eye on the perimeter cameras in the town anyway.”
Since Ace doesn’t look surprised by the suggestion at all, I’m assuming that’s what he and Jynx were talking about this morning, and honestly, it makes great sense. That way, we can keep an eye on the town and let the grandparents know if there are any threats.
“Great. That seems quite simple and easy to do.” Nash replies. “Have we got a way to communicate with you in case any of us need back up?”
“Unfortunately not. We’ve got some earpieces, but they won’t reach from the bay to the buyer's point. So we’re just going to have to use the old fashioned way of communicating and hope that we can dial quick enough if we need to. We’ll also have the guy manning the cameras that will be able to warn us too.” Ace replies.