Page 61 of Fight
“Actually, we’re going to be working as one pretty much anyway, or at least in groups, so we’ll give you three of the earpieces so that you can communicate with those in the woods,” Jynx suggests.
“Yeah, that would be great, actually,” Nash replies.
Jynx looks at Sawyer, “Can you remind me when we get back home that I need to get some earpieces for the Ravens, some long-distance ones as well?”
Sawyer nods and pulls out his phone, typing something in it, “Yeah, of course.”
“Thanks.” Jynx smiles. “We’re heading out first thing to get into position, although we’re guessing on the timing based on the timing of when the buyer appears, so it’s a bit hit and miss.”
“That’s okay. We’re used to doing stakeouts and shit. If it takes a bit longer, then it takes a bit longer, we can handle it,” Fox says.
“Great,” Mal replies, and then adds, “Is that everything?”
Jynx looks around at the others and then smiles, “Yes, I think so, unless you guys have any questions?”
“Where are we meeting after for the debriefing?” Harley asks.
“We’ll meet back here, so long as no one is injured,” Jynx replies.
“Got it,” Harley says and then adds with a smile, “What do we do now?”
“Well, we don’t really need to do anything for the rest of the day, so we can just hang out,” Rip suggests, and is met by happy agreements and Ace saying he’s hungry again, only to be backed up by Fox this time who is just as dramatic as Ace is.
We end up having lunch, and hanging out for the rest of the afternoon before we eat a meal that Demelza prepared and left in the fridge before we head to bed early so that we can get up in time for the next morning.
Everyone is in position, and the Conspiracy team are at the entrance to the woods. Harley and Ridge positioned in the woods, their weapons aimed and ready to go. I have to admit that I felt even more of a kinship with Harley when I found out that she was one of the ones being positioned in the woods. Since that’s my specialty, I love being able to take targets down at long range. Harley said she wasn’t that great but could hold her own and that the others were better in the close combat situations, and the guys wanted her up out of harm's way; when she told me that, she rolled her eyes, and it made me chuckle.
It was decided that Sawyer would be the one who did the majority of the talking since he’s the most skilled at negotiating and making people listen. I had to agree with them, Asher may be their leader, but Sawyer has the skills to be one in his own right.
We’ve got Cecil and Dexter watching the cameras on a couple of laptops up at Rome’s place, waiting to give us any updates if something goes wrong. The rest of us are spread out and have eyes on the only dock in this tiny town and the only place where the smugglers can come ashore to unload their weapons. We’re all heavily armed and after hearing that the guys from the Conspiracy team had put Harley up out of harm's way, my guys tried to convince me that I should be their sniper too.
They didn’t try for very long though, because I just stared at them until they realised that there was no way I was going to basically sit it out, and I can’t see through boats in order to give them good cover anyway.
It did make me chuckle though.
“I can see a boat heading this way,” Rome’s voice comes through my earpiece from his side of the dock where he’s waiting with Rip.
The twins are waiting close to the end of the dock, and Ace and I are on the other side. We’ve pretty much got them surrounded from all sides apart from the water, and I’m hoping that this goes as smoothly as possible. Especially for the Conspiracy team, we don’t know who the buyer is and how trigger-happy they are. But then again, the same could be said for the seller.
It's the unknowns in this situation that make me nervous. We have the grandparents on the lookout, though and now, seeing the boat approach, there can't be any more than about five people on it, so we should be able to control the situation easily enough.
“Wait for them to secure the boat, and then on my mark, we move forward, guns drawn and ask to speak to whoever is in charge unless they start shooting,” I reply to Rome.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“And if they start shooting?” Malachi questions.
“Then we take them down and use the footage that Cecil has of them to trace the crew back to the source or find out if they’re a small team, and then we try again,” I reply.
“That’s a lot more complicated than this will be though, so let's just hope that they’re feeling compliant now,” Rome adds.
“They’re securing the boat now,” Malachi says, as one of us who has an earpiece since we gave three to the Conspiracy team.
“How many can you see on board?” I ask, not being in the right spot to see anything but the boat.