Page 21 of Perfect Blend
“You could cut back on traveling, maybe live in the city close to town.” She fumbles, trying to find a solution to my problem.
“It’s not that simple.”
“I don’t see why it can’t be.” She puts her hand on my shoulder. “Sally comes to wine nights and she’s invested into the bakery’s success. She may live in a rental but I know for a fact that it was meant to be a temporary home until she decided what area she liked the most. She only moved here a few months ago but she’s already integrated into Kastle Harbor life.”
“I don’t think so Marie. She still hasn’t unpacked all of her boxes.”
“Why should she if she may move again in a few months?” That is a good point. “Besides, she’s not Cassie.” The words hit harder than I expected.
“I know,” I reply, but my words fall flat. Cassie didn’t see a future with me after the accident. Sally doesn’t see one with me here. Different, but similar.
“If I remember correctly you took a tumble while hiking. You let Sally take care of you and then shooed her away when she offered to do more to help. Cassie would never. Sally cares about you, anyone who sees you two interact can tell.”
“I don’t know Marie.” There’s a lot more to it. I don’t want to say anything about the infertility bit.
“Just think more about it. Futures can be molded, turned into something different but equally as amazing as you envisioned.” Marie has always been a hopeless romantic. Spouting that everyone deserves a happily ever after.
But what would Sally’s and my happily ever after look like? Would she settle for Kastle Harbor or a city within driving distance?
And what about the infertility part? I’m uncertain if I can overlook this, I need to seriously continue to think about what would make me happy.
I tell Marie I will consider talking to Sally and we move to talking about the roastery.
Maybe I will call Sally.
If anything, we could at least be friends.
Things have gone backto normal since Victor and I split.
Well as normal as they were before Victor and I slept together that is.
I’m sit in the bakery at my usual little table next to the windows. The neon cupcake sign on the front window is a little hazy under the morning sunrise. Sometimes I’m here so early the sign feels apocalyptic, the glow abnormal and unsettling in appearance. Other times it’s a very warm and welcoming feeling to see the little cupcake with sprinkles glowing. A beacon of delicious treats and coffee.
My coffee must be made up half of sighs this morning. I feel my chest rise and fall once again at the thought of Victor. The reasoning behind the breakup is valid. We’re both in our thirties. He wants biological kids and a home in Kastle Harbor. I can’t do the first and I can’t guarantee the other. I’m uncertain of my future, hesitant to commit.
I glance at the clock. There’s still some time before Jake will meet me to go over our work day. I need more coffee.
Violet is behind the counter, adding croissants to the case. I’m tempted, they look mouthwatering. I spy some that are chocolate filled.
I have been running more.
“Good morning, Violet.” I set my mug on the counter. “Can I have a refill of the hazelnut coffee?”
“Of course! Want a croissant? They’re fresh,” she replies as she takes my mug and starts to pour the coffee.
“One with chocolate please,” I say, taking the mug from her hands. Chocolate is good for the soul, right? It’s a good breakfast decision.
“Great, I’ll bring you one and we can chat.”
I wonder if this is about Jake’s schedule. I know they are deep into wedding planning mode. And as his right hand I pretty much make up our work schedule. I’m not even sitting for a minute when Violet brings a plate full of goodies.
Definitely a bribe to change our work schedule.
I take a bite of the fresh croissant, the flaky pastry melting in my mouth. It’s delicious, everything here is always a guaranteed delight.