Page 22 of Perfect Blend
“What would you like to chat about?” I swallow my bite and sip my coffee.
“How are things with Victor?”
I practically spit my coffee out. I cough a couple of times. “Why do I ask?” That was not expected.
“He dropped off coffee the other day and was miserable. Like the old lumberjack got knocked down.” She starts eating a muffin and in between mouthfuls she asks me if we split up.
“We did actually,” I stare into my coffee cup.
“Did you fight? I know he can be all grumbly and stern, but that’s mainly appearance.”
“No, I get that. We realized after a few dates that our future plans don’t mesh well.”
“Oh, I understand that. Jake and I started out that way you know.” She finishes her muffin. “Obviously you’ve known him a while. I’m sure the move to Kastle Harbor surprised you.”
“It did. I always assumed he’d be a city guy for life. I did hope he’d find someone and settle down though.”
I smile warmly at Violet. She’s been nothing but kind to me since I moved here.
“How did you decide who got their perfect future and who had to compromise?” I ask.
She scrunches her nose for a moment before answering. “I can’t answer for Jake, but I think when it’s the right person then it shouldn’t matter what the compromise is and who gains more from it. It’s about the two of you staying together in a way that makes you both happy.”
“I think I’m a little nervous after the divorce. It hasn’t even been six months. We dated for years before marriage too. I feel like I can’t just dive into a whole new serious relationship.” My chest feels tight, the croissant like a heavy weight in my stomach.
I miss Victor. Plain and simple.
“When you know you know. Time isn’t as big of a factor as everyone makes it out to be.” Violet pats my hand lightly before leaving to get back to work.
I decide to text Victor.
Sally: Would you like to grab pizza again tomorrow?
I put my phone away as Jake walks in.
I’m uncertain now, but maybe Victor would be open to friendship. At least until I can figure out my feelings.
* * *
The talk with Marie only muddled my feelings for Sally more than they already were. I’m in the middle of moving bags of beans from the back to the van when my phone buzzes. I see a text from Sally.
Dinner together could be good.
Victor: Same place, same time?
Sally: Do you have a different place?
Victor: Meet me at the roastery after work.
Sally: A little ominous but deal.
It’s just pizza. Just friends, nothing else.
* * *
I’ve set up three different pizzas on the tables in the back. I figure paper plates and couch sitting is fine for Sally. Marie already took a few slices and promised to leave work early and not return. I’m in the process of finding some paper towels under the counter when Sally enters the roastery.